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War and Peace

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Voina y Mir
Based On

the novel by Leo Tolstoy

San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Set Designer(s)
Costume Designer(s)
Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Assistant to Mr. Lebois
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)


Prince Andrei Bolkonsky
Natasha Rostova
Master of Ceremonies
Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova
Madame Peronskaya
Count Rostov
Pierre Bezukhov
Hélène Bezukhova
Anatol Kuragin
Tsar Alexander
Bolkonsky chambermaid
Bolkonsky old footman
Bolkonsky's valet
Princess Marya Bolkonskaya
Old Prince Nicolai Bolkonsky
Matryosha, a Gypsy
French Abbé
Métivier, a French doctor
Coachman Balaga
Dunyasha, the Rostov chambermaid
Gavrila, Akhrosimova's footman
Tikhon Shcherbaty
Prince Andrei's orderly
First Prussian General
Second Prussian General
Field Marshal Kutuzov
Kutuzov's aide-de-camp
First staff officer
Second staff officer
Marshal Berthier
Napoleon's aide-de-camp
General Compan's aide-de-camp
Murat's aide-de-camp
General Belliard
Prince Eugene's aide-de-camp
Monsieur De Beausset
Off-stage voice
General Bennigsen
General Barclay de Tolly
General Yermolov
General Konovnitsin
General Rayevsky
Captain Ramballe
Lieutenant Bonnet
Mavra Kuzminichna, the Rostov maid
Young workman
French Officer
Platon Karatayev
Marshal Davout
First madman
Second madman
Third madman
First French actress
Second French actress

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

Russia, Between 1806 and 1812


Act I, Scene 1 -- Spring 1806. The Rostov estate at Otradnoye
Act I, Scene 2 -- New Year's Eve, 1810. A ball in St. Petersburg
Act I, Scene 3 -- January, 1811. The Bolkonsky mansion, Moscow
Act I, Scene 4 -- A party at the Bezukhov house
Act I, Scene 5 -- Dolokhov's apartments
Act I, Scene 6 -- The same night. Madame Akhrosimova's house
Act I, Scene 7 -- The same night. At Pierre Bezukhov's house
Epigraph: The people of Russia affirm the sanctity of Russia against the invader
Act II, Scene 8 -- August 25, 1812. The Rayevsky redoubt, before the Battle of Borodino
Act II, Scene 9 -- Sugust 25, 2 p.m. The Shevardino redoubt
Act II, Scene 10 -- August 27, 6 p.m. Outside Moscow
Act II Scene 11 -- September-October 1812. Moscow
Act II, Scene 12 -- Outside Moscow, behind the Russian lines
Act II, Scene 13 -- November 1812. The French retreat from Moscow



The performance of September 12 is sponsored by Andersen Consulting.


This new production is made possible by gifts from the Columbia Foundation, Cynthia Wood, and the Paul L. and Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation.


Opera in thirteen scenes and an epigraph

Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios

Costumes executed by San Francisco Opera Costume Shop and Ruggero Peruzzi for Costumi d'Arte SRL, Rome-Florence

Footwear constructed by Anello & Davide Ltd., London
Horses supplied by Animal Stars

Computerized moving lights compliments of Telebeam Corporation. Special thanks to Jean Yves Morvan.

Automatic color changers courtesy of Pan Command Systems. Special thanks to John Richardson, Charlie Malings and Jim Gordon.

Projection photo credits: Proctor Jones (special photography from the Russian collection); Ron Scherl, Thomas J. Munn, Michael Helbig.

San Francisco Opera gratefully acknowledges the support of its many supernumeraries who have volunteered their services for this year's production of "War and Peace."

Supernumeraries are listed for the first group of three operas; there is no opera-by-opera breakdown:
