the drama La Tosca by Victorien Sardou
Stage Director(s)
Set Designer(s)
Costume Designer(s)
Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)
Cesare Angelotti
Mario Cavaradossi
Floria Tosca
Baron Scarpia
Voice of a Shepherd
Show Dates
Time and Place
Rome in June of 1800
Supertitles underwritten through a generous grant from American Express.
This production is owned by the Lyric Opera of Chicago and is a generous and deeply appreciated gift of the late James C. Hemphill.
Costumes executed by Grace Costumes, Inc., New York
Baldwin organ provided courtesy of Baldwin Piano & Organ Center, Santa Clara, California
San Francisco Boys Chorus
Louis Magor, Director
Vincent Altadonna
Jason Baker
Trevor Bjorklund
Brendan Bosch
John Bradley
Conal Byrne
Jen Chang
Lance Fenton
Joseph Guyton
Kevin Harding
Travis Harding
Richard Harper
Ross Jensen
Owen Lewis
Adam Lipski
David Liu
Jonathan Napier-Morales
Oliver Oyler
Gian Patel
Jeffrey Rice
Benjamin Rudiak-Gould
Caen Thomason-Redus
Cole Thomason-Redus
Colin Trevorrow
Camilo Velasquez
Joyce Barnett
Phyllis Blair
Madeline Chase
Phoebe Ciaffi
Annette Clark
Renée DeJarnatt
Robin Hodgkin
Joan Imbeau
Dorothy Papo
Nancy Petrisko
Stephanie Salter
Ellen Sanchez
Burgess Shiu
Beverly Terry
Carolyn Waugh
Sally Warren
Susan Weiss
Andrew Alder
Gene Angell
Richard Ares
Victor Banis
Stephen Bartlett-Re
Frank Bauer
Brett Bennett
Bruce Brown
David Clover
Don Correira
Copley Crosby
Roger Davidson
Terry deMoss
Gary Demyen
Timothy Dials
Kermit du Val
Kenneth Fox
Kurt Frank
Mickey Frettoloso
Eugenio Gamez
John Gilbert
Richard Goldman
Albert Goodwyn
Bill Higgins
Willard Holden
Mark Huelsmann
Paul Johansson
Frank Jorgensen
Joseph Kelley
Dan Kyte
Gregory Lawrance
John Lohr
William Martin
Berri McBride
Allan Miller
Matthew Miller
Ian Mishkin
Barry Nielsen
Les Partridge
Michael Pesavento
Harrison Pierce
Tom Purcell
Bill Randol
Paul Ricks
Stephen Rosen
Art Simon
Max Subervi
Allen Tusting
Gary Wendt-Bogear