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Based On

the play Attila, König der Hunnen, by Zacharias Werner

San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Stage Director(s)
Set Designer(s)
Costume Designer(s)
Lighting Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)


Attila, King of the Huns
Uldino, Attila's Breton Slave
Odabella, daughter of the Lord of Aquileia
Ezio, a Roman general
Foresto, a knight of Aquileia
Leone (Pope Leo I)

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

Fifth century A.D.; Italy


Act I, Scene 1 -- At the gates of Aquileia
Act I, Scene 2 -- On the banks of the Adriatic lagoons
Act I, Scene 3 -- A ruin near Attila's camp
Act I, Scene 4 -- Attila's camp outside Rome
Act II, Scene 1 -- Ezio's headquarters near Rome
Act II, Scene 2 -- Attila's camp outside Rome
Act II, Scene 3 -- A ruin near Attila's camp



The performance of November 27 is sponsored by Andersen Consulting.

The performance of November 30 is sponsored by Deloitte & Touche.

The performance of December 3 is sponsored by Lexus, a division of Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc.

The performance of December 6 is sponsored by Delta Airlines.


This production was originally funded by the Gramma Fisher Foundation of Marshalltown, Iowa,
through a deeply appreciated joint gift to the New York City Opera, the Lyric Opera of Chicago,
and the San Diego Opera.

This presentation is sponsored, in part, by generous gifts
from Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tilton and
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McGuire.

Supertitles for this production have been made possible by the Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation.


San Francisco Girls Chorus
Elizabeth Appling, Director

Carrie Burr
Jean-Marie Fanvu
Jessica Higgins
Chesi Ho
Elizabeth Howard
Erin Hughes
Michele Kennedy
Vanessa Langer
Joyce Lin
Marguerite Mugge
Valerie Paik
Emma Price
Lora Price
Elaine Robertson
Elizabeth Wilson Rood
Teresa Taylor

Carolyn Houser Carvajal
Celia Fushille
Nora Heiber
Marina Hotchkiss
Michele Nichols
Summer Lee Rhatigan
Debra Rose
Katherine Warner

(Supernumeraries are not listed for the individual operas; this group covers the season's last group of three operas:

Traude Albert
Susan Anderson
Elayne Ashman
Phyllis Blair
Katherine Brazaitis
Dottie Brown
Regina Bustillos
Annette Clark
Huguette Combs
Renée DeJarnatt
Karen Goodwyn
Joan Imbeau
Masai Jones
Kerry King
Andrea Kohlruss
Carol Mauro
Nancy Petrisko
Stephanie Salter
Christine Seigel
Stella Tatro
Beverly Terry
Kimberly Thompson
Linda Unemori
Carolyn Waugh
Laurel Winzler

John Atkinson
Steve Baumann
Mark Burstein
Roy Cairo
Tom Carlisle
Joe Castrovinci
Bill Chiles
Stewart Clark
David Clover
Brian Lee Cronk
Brian Devine
Joe Dial
Gabe Diamond
Dick Dobbins
John Durocher
Pedro Echeandia
Milko Encinas
Angelo Festa
C.J. Figueroa
Danny Furlong
John Gilbert
Gilbert Gonzalez
Albert Goodwyn
Eddy Gordillo
Sean Greene
Stephen Greengard
Ric Gydesen
Bill Higgins
Mark Huelsmann
Larry Hunnicutt
Frank Jorgensen
Keith Kamrath
Bill Klaproth
Andrew Korniej
Ron Kos
Dan Kyte
Greg Lawrance
James Lesko
John Mangum
Matt Miller
Ian Mishkin
Robert Morgan-Wilde
Bill Mulder
Dick Pallowick
Christopher Patnoe
Lee Pereira
Mike Pesavento
Tom Purcell
Dave Ransom
Paul Ricks
Bill Roehl
Steven Rosen
Louis Schilling
John Shea
Geoff Skidmore
Ray Souza
Travis Springer
Kevin Stich
Dan Stoddard
Mike Strickland
Bob Stroman
Stan Strosser
Raymond Sullivan
Alvin Taylor
Jim Warner
Tony Welch
Si Wheaton
Robert Wicks
Daniel Wilson
Jerry Zall