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Based On

the play by William Shakespeare

San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Stage Director(s)
Lighting Supervisor
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Sound Designer
Fight Sequences
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

Late 15th century; a seaport on Cyprus


Act I -- Outside Otello's castle by the sea
Act II -- A hall and terrace of the castle
Act III -- The great hall of the castle
Act IV -- Desdemona's bedchamber



Supertitles underwritten through a generous grant from Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.


To access the full production program, click the PDF link above.

All database information regarding performances that followed the
October 17th Loma Prieta earthquake is correct, but they are here and
there, so here is a summation:

Idomeneo, October 17 – cancelled
Otello, October 20 – Moved to Masonic Auditorium
Aida, October 21 – Moved to Masonic Auditorium
Idomeneo, October 22 – Moved to Masonic Auditorium

The Masonic Auditorium performances were given in "modified concert form,"
i.e. in costume and makeup, with some props and lights, but without
supernumeraries and dancers.

Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios

Costumes executed by San Francisco Opera Costume Shop

Organ provided courtesy of Baldwin Piano & Organ Center, Santa Clara

San Francisco Girls Chorus
Elizabeth Appling, Director
Michelle Clair
Jessica Dunlap
Cathleen Ellis
Nina Fallon
Amy Frey
Rachel Goldsmith
Sita Griffith
Elizabeth Hanauer
Natasha Hoehn
Mihoko Ito
Silvie Jensen
Sasha Johnson
Bayta Maring
Megan McNamara
Claire Mills
Kristin Oei
Amy Perez
Maria Pilson
Eufemia Plimpton
Sabrina Raust
Kimberly Sargent
Dana Shaps
Erin Smyth
Carrie Spring
Teresa Swendsen
Marinda Thomas
Blamoh Twegbe
Elizabeth Warren
Isis Yearwood

San Francisco Boys Chorus
Philip Hahn, Director
David Alderman
Kevin Angstenberger
Edgar Chen
Michael Davis
Joseph Fanvu
Mark Forte
Iain Fry
Bellos Hadjivassiliou
Matthew Hammond
Scott Kronmiller
David Lee
James Locke
Nathaniel Morse
Norman Moy
James Muiter
Grael Norton
Christopher Olson
Gian Patel
Joseph Penrod
Pul Ryan
Cole Thomason-Redus
Kevin Traugott

Elizabeth Cooper
Nora Heiber
Marina Hotchkiss
Carolyn Houser
Debra Rose
Laurie Skophammer
Katherine Warner

Gregory Dawson
Michael Denham
Danny Furlong
Geoffrey Hipps
Steve Kirby
Winthrop Marcirak
Thomas Segal

SUPERNUMERARIES (second group of three operas)

Traudi Albert
Pat Angell
Elayne Ashman
Phyllis Blair
Dorothy Brown
Regina Bustillos
Sue Cammack
Madeline Chase
Kay Cheatham
Phoebe Ciaffi
Huguette Combes
Jamie Daniels
Renée DeJarnatt
Ann Fitzgerald
Debra Girard
Karen Topp Goodwyn
Diane Graham
Joan Imbeau
Candace Kahn
Valarie Klingenberg
Andrea Kohlruss
Dorothy Papo
Ann Paras
Stephanie Salter
Ellen Sanchez
Stella Tatro
Beverly Terry
Sally Warren
Carolyn Waugh
Marianne Welmers
Susan Wendt-Bogear
Laurel Winzler

Bob Acker
Joseph Alietti
David Altman
Gene Angell
Phillip Barber
Stephen Bartlett-Re