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Madama Butterfly

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Madame Butterfly
Based On

the works of John Luther Long and David Belasco

San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Stage Director(s)
Lighting Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Movement Instructor
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)


Lt. B. F. Pinkerton
Cio-Cio-San, Madama Butterfly
Imperial Commissioner
Official Registrar
The Bonze
Prince Yamadori
Cio-Cio-San's child
Kate Pinkerton

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

Early 20th century Nagasaki, Japan


Act I -- A house and garden overlooking the Bay of Nagasaki
Act II -- Butterfly's house, three years later
Act III -- Butterfly's house, the following morning



The performance of November 18 was made possible by a generous grant from Shaklee Corporation.


This revival of "Madama Butterfly" has been made possible by a generous gift from Mr. & Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey. This production was originally made possible by a grant from the San Francisco Opera Guild.

Supertitles provided by a generous and much appreciated gift from William and Eloise Rollnick.


To access the full production program, click the PDF link above.

Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios

Costumes executed by Goldstein Costumes, San Francisco, and by Fred Mlejnek

SUPERNUMERARIES (second group of three operas)

Traudi Albert
Pat Angell
Elayne Ashman
Phyllis Blair
Dorothy Brown
Regina Bustillos
Sue Cammack
Madeline Chase
Kay Cheatham
Phoebe Ciaffi
Huguette Combes
Jamie Daniels
Renée DeJarnatt
Ann Fitzgerald
Debra Girard
Karen Topp Goodwyn
Diane Graham
Joan Imbeau
Candace Kahn
Valarie Klingenberg
Andrea Kohlruss
Dorothy Papo
Ann Paras
Stephanie Salter
Ellen Sanchez
Stella Tatro
Beverly Terry
Sally Warren
Carolyn Waugh
Marianne Welmers
Susan Wendt-Bogear
Laurel Winzler

Bob Acker
Joseph Alietti
David Altman
Gene Angell
Phillip Barber
Stephen Bartlett-Re
Steve Bauman
Jeff Beaudoin
Don Bechtel
Austin Bergin
Mike Berkowitz
John Bleyle
John Boldrick
Vincent Brooks
Al Carter
Peter Chrisler
Stewart Clark
David Clover
David Cook
Rudy Cook
Copley Crosby
Gil Deane
Gary Demyen
Kermit Duval
Lawrence Ewing
Rodney Felix
Peter Felleman
Tom Ferguson
Joe Fiorentino
John Gilbert
Tom Giuliano
Albert Goodwyn
Karl Grimm
Bill Higgins
Willard Holden
Eric Janovsky
Cecil Johnson
Mitch Johnson
Frank Jorgensen
Joe Kelley
Andrew Korniej
Dan Kyte
Greg Lawrance
Neil Larson
Mike Lee
Timothy Locke
Peter Loubal
Nelson Luesse
Oscar Manzanares
Ray Mark
Dennis Markunas
Robert McKibbon
Ed Meyers
Dan Melia
Jim Miller
Matt Miller
Edward Milhausen
Ian Mishkin
Brent Mitchell
Bob Nathanson
Noah Nelson
Barry Nielsen
Anthony O'Brien
Gerald O'Dwyer
Eric Oliver
Dick Pallowick
Les Partridge
Christopher Patnoe
Jay Perlman
Mike Pesavento
Scott Petry
John Plotz
Kirk Poole
Karl Przibram
Tom Purcell
Paul Price
Steve Rades
Paul Ricks
Norm Robins
Bill Roehl
David Rohrer
Steven Rosen
Paul Salemme
Steve Scales
Louis Schilling
Don Share
Jim Shea
John Shea
Chris Sheffield
Ray Shimada
Wolfram Siede
Steve Siegelman
Michael Silva
Geoff Skidmore
Rod Smith
Ray Souza
Jon Spieler
Larry Stites
Bob Stroman
Scott Swanson
Alvin Taylor
Bill Tillman
Richard Vagts
Eric Vink
Jack Walker
Terry Washburn
Jim Warner
Alex Weibezahn
Gary Wendt-Bogear
Rick Weil
Silsa Wheaton
Bruce Woodward


Robert Azevedo
Ryan Baird
Andy Bruvry
Paul Cheatham
Ivan Cooper
Matt Dalton
Danny Deixler
J.P. Eby
Kyle Glankler
Nicholas Nackley
Sean Peisert
Zack Smith
Etan Zaitsu