a poem by Heinrich Heine
Stage Director(s)
Set Designer(s)
Costume Designer(s)
Lighting Supervisor
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Sound Designer
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)
Show Dates
Time and Place
(not specified)
This revival of "Der Fliegende Holländer" has been made possible by a generous gift from Mr. & Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey. The production was originally made possible, in part, by the Gramma Fisher Foundation.
Supertitles underwritten through a grant from Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios
Costumes executed by Ray Diffen Stage Clothes
Offstage Chorus (the Dutchman's crew)
San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus
Gregg Talman, Musical Director
SUPERNUMERARIES (second group of three operas)
Susan Anderson
Phyllis Blair
Phoebe Ciaffi
Renée DeJarnatt
Carolyn Ekstedt
Candace Kahn
Holly Morrison
Louise Russo
Stella Tatro
Beverly Terry
Karen Topp
Sally Warren
Lisa Waters
Carolyn Waugh
Susan Weiss
Laurel Winzler
Stephen Bartlett-Re
Frank Bauer
Steve Bauman
Rick Campbell
Bryan Chalfant
David Clover
Copley Crosby
Gary Demyen
Kermit Duval
Pedro Echeandia
Mickey Frettoloso
Eugenio Gamez
James Geier
Phil Gibson
Tom Giuliano
Albert Goodwyn
Bill Higgins
Willard Holden
Michael Kossman
Dan Kyte
Greg Lawrance
Nelson Luesse
Oscar Manzanares
Ed Meyers
Alan Miller
Matt Miller
Ian Mishkin
Roberto Moreiras
Malcolm Mosher
Barry Nielsen
Dick Pallowick
Les Partridge
Bill Randol
Paul Ricks
Michael Schoch
Steve Siegelman
Ray Souza
Toby Speed
Tony St. Martin
David Watts
Alex Weibezahn
Rod Williams
Joe Willis
Bruce Woodward