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San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Stage Director(s)
Set Designer(s)
Costume Designer(s)
Lighting Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)


King of Egypt
Solo Dancer(s)

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

Epoch of the Pharaohs; Memphis and Thebes


Act I, Scene 1 -- The King's Palace at Memphis
Scene 2 -- The Temple of Fthà
Act II, Scene 1 -- Amneris's apartments in the palace, Thebes
Scene 2 -- A public square in Thebes
Act III, Scene 1 -- The banks of the Nile, outside the Temple of Isis
Scene 2 -- The judgment hall
Scene 3 -- A tomb below the Temple



The performance of June 7th is sponsored by McKinsey & Co., Inc.

The performance of June 12th is designated in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Steven MacGregor Read's and Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wetzel's membership in the Triple Gold Circle.

The performance of June 15th is sponsored by Wells Fargo.


This production is sponsored, in part, by Deloitte & Touche LLP.

Supertitles provided by a generous grant from The Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation. San Francisco Opera's Verdi Celebration and Opera in the Gardens are generously supported by Chevron - - - Wells Fargo - - - The Recording Industries Performance Trust Funds


2001 Verdi Celebration

Scenery, props, costumes and wigs constructed in the San Francisco Opera workshops

Corps de Ballet

"Aida" Supernumeraries

Donna Aarons
Elaine Adamson
Irene Bechtel
Annette Clark
Rose Ericson
Nancy Huie
Jenny Jirousek
Joan Kwansa
Sydney Mason
Marie McNulty
Lynn Meinhardt
Alice Offhill-Whitelaw
Barbara Sherman
Mimi Timberlake
Patti Tsai
Ann Williamson

Tom Abels
Philip Arbeit
Antenor Arenas
Robert Arnold
Jim Baaden
Tom Bajorek
Cray Bauxmont-Flynn
Mike Berkowitz
Jeff Blanchard
William Brogan
John Brown
Peter Cannon
Tom Carlisle
David Cash
Doug Ceffalo
Ali Celik
Marcus Ceniceros
Roderick Chow
Anthony Clarke
David Clover
Brian Copperstein
Gary Cramer
Al Cummings
Uwe Damerow
Dustin Di Giulio
Jim Downey
Jim Durham
Jim Dyvad
Simon Elliott-LehBohn
Bob Ericson
Rick Evans
Bjon Farber
Julian Derek Ford
Yanni Georghiu
Curtis Gong-Guy
Eddy Gordillo
John Guglielmelli
Tom Hadfield
Bradly Hamilton
Franklin Harris III
Michael Harvey
Chris Howell
Kevin Johnson
Frank Jorgensen
Keith King
Bill Klaproth
Jeff Kohler
Andrew Korniej
Andreas Kynast
Carl La Bante
Don Langley
Steve Lavezzoli
Charlie Lichtman
Mickel London
Rick Malher
Ron Mann
John F. Martin
John R. Martin
Gilbert Martinez
McCabe Mattingly
Bruce McNaughton
John Mendieta
Jim Miller
Ed Mitchell
David Norton
Kurt Norton
Larry O'Connor
Robert J. O'Connor
William Perasso
Michael Peredo
Jeff Piade
David Ransom
David Robinson
Lawrence Saez
René Schaub
Larry Severino
Brandon Shald
Mark Sommerfield
Frank Sommers
Nelson Sproul
Jeff Staben
Ralph Stevenson
Bob Stroman
Stanley Strosser
Walt Thorp
Marvin Tom
Lord Veerman
Matthew Vierling
Tom Walsh
Randolph Ward
Griffin Whiting