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San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
Civic Auditorium


Set Designer(s)
Costume Designer(s)
Additional costumes designed by
Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)


Walter Fraccaro(2/8,13,16,18,20,23)
Fabio Armiliato(2/11,14,21)
King of Egypt
Daniel Sumegi(2/13,18,20,21, 23)

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

Epoch of the Pharaohs; Memphis and Thebes


Act I, Scene 1 -- The King's palace in Memphis
Scene 2 -- The temple of Fthà
Act II, Scene 1 -- Amneris's apartment in the palace, Thebes
Scene 2 -- A public square in Thebes
Act III, Scene 1 -- The banks of the Nile, outside the Temple of Isis
Scene 2 -- The judgment hall
Scene 3 -- A tomb below the Temple



The performance of February 8th is sponsored by Royal Bank of Scotland

The performance of February 11th is sponsored by Deloitte & Touche

The performance of February 11th is designated in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gianluca Rattazzi's and Mr. and Mrs. Steven Read's membership in the Triple Platinum Circle

The performance of February 14th is sponsored by Euphonix

The performance of February 16th is sponsored by The Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati Foundation

The performance of February 18th is sponsored by Bain & Company

The performance of February 21st is sponsored by Citron Haligman Bedecarré


This production is made possible by generous grants from Lexus, The Bernard Osher Foundation and Mrs. and Mrs. Gorham B. Knowles.

The opening performance of Aida is dedicated to the memory of Ardis Krainik

Supertitles provided by a generous grant from The Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation


New production

Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios
Costumes executed by San Francisco Opera Coastume Shop and by Michael-Jon Costumes, New York



Jill Cassimatis
Brigid Hoag
Marilyn Miller
Suzanne Saltmarsh
Tracy Shields
Dana Stackpole

Philip Amer
Harlan Bengal
Jeffrey Elsass
Ney Fonseca
Fabrice Lemire
Shaun Rouse


Traude Albert
Janet Bensick
Pat Beresford
Arlene Berner
Rebecca Bryant
Kay Cheatham
Annette Clark
Esther Jennings
Diane Knoll
Andrea Kohlruss
Sara Lee
Lynn Meinhardt
Jennifer A. Minore
Stephanie Salter
Janet Tang
Kimberly Thompson
Carolyn Waugh

Kevin Austin
Lawrence Austin
Richard Bayne
Jerome Benton
Curt Berner
Jordan Berner
David Bradshaw
Peter Cannon
Tom Carlisle
Douglas Ceffalo
Marcus Ceniceros
Roderick Chow
Dana Coffin
Paul Crabtree
Gary Cramer
Al Cummings
Robert Dantzler
Siegfried Diesterbeck
Scott Dowdee
Jim Downey
John Duff
Jim Dyvad
Milko Encinas
Bob Ericson
Chris Garlington
Kevin Gee
Joe Giammarco
Jeff Gillman
Mark Gondek
Gilbert Gonzalez
Eddy J. Gordillo
Chip Grant
Gene Gunderson
Rick Gydesen
Tom Hadfield
Lloyd E. Hall
Michael Harvey
Sadik Huseny
Clint Jennings
Dean Johnson
Claude Jones
Todd Jones
Frank Jorgensen
Robert Keast
Keith King
Bill Klaproth
Alfred Knoll
Andrew Korniej
Andreas Krieger
Steve Lavezzoli
Bill Lehan
Charlie Lichtman
Hal Maguire
Henry Mailin
Ron Mann
John Martin
Chris Matthews
Jason Michael Mayo
Bruce McNaughton
TC McQueen
Robert Melton
David Meyers
Jim Miller
David Norton
Anthony Nugent
Christopher Patnoe
Bill Perasso
Michael Peredo
Jeff Piade
John Plotz
Dennis Poll
Bill Ramirez
David Ransom
Sean Rimer
David Robinson
Bill Roehl
Will Sanderson
Rene Schaub
Lawrence Severino
Andrew Spremich
André Stafford
Ralph R. Stevenson
Don Stoddard
Michael Strickland
Stanley Strosser
Alvin Taylor
Marvin Tom
Steven Townsend
Jim Troup
Warren Vail
Wolfgang von Huttick
Tom Walsh
Rick Weil
Dan Wilson
Jerry Zall
Robert Zelenka