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Un Ballo in Maschera

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A Masked Ball
Based On

a libretto by Eugene Scribe for Daniel Auber's opera Gustave III, ou Le Bal masque

San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Stage Director(s)
Lighting Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)


Count Horn (Samuele)
Count Ribbing (Tommaso)
Gustavus (Riccardo)
Count Anckarström (Renato)
Madame Arvidson (Ulrica)
Christian (Silvano)
Amelia's servant
Amelia Anckarström
Solo Dancer(s)

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

1792 in Stockholm, Sweden


Act I, Scene 1 -- Levee in the king's bedroom
Scene 2 -- Madame Arvidson's house on the waterfront
Act II, Scene 1 -- A lonely field
Scene 2 -- Count Anckarström's study
Act III -- Inside the Stockholm opera house



The performance of November 6th is sponsored by Lexus.


This revival of "Un Ballo in Maschera" was underwritten by a generous gift from The Bernard Osher Foundation. The production was originally made possible by a gift from an anonymous friend.

Supertitles provided by a generous gift from McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Enersen.


To access the full production program, click the PDF link above.

Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios

Costumes executed by San Francisco Opera Costume Shop

Nora Heiber
Marina Hotchkiss
Carolyn Houser
Summer Rhatigan
Debra Rose
Kathryn Roszak
Katherine Warner

Lee Bell
Gregory Dawson
Danny Furlong
Antonio Lopez
Winthrop Marcinak
Michael Parra
Christopher Rankin

SUPERNUMERARIES (for second group of three operas)

Sabrina Adler
Traude Albert
Susan Alden
Susan Anderson
Pat Angell
Elayne Ashman
Irene Bechtel
Phyllis Blair
Katherina Brazaitis
Dottie Brown
Madeline Chase
Kay Cheatham
Phoebe Ciaffi
Annette Clark
Huguette Combs
Jamie Daniels
Renée DeJarnatt
Darcy Fink
Karen Goodwyn
Lisa Gordon
Diane Graham
Leah Hall
Joan Imbeau
Pierrette Jeanmonod
Esther Jennings
Catherine Joseph
Mary Joyce
Candace Kahn
Valarie Klingenberg
Andrea Kohlruss
Joan Kwansa
Jane Lee
Carol Mauro
Jan Moody
Holly Morrison
Elizabeth Munn
Kate Noll
Dorothy Papo
Sharon Papo
Ann Paras
Virginia Persson
Nancy Petrisko
Marianna Petroni
Julia Reisz
Louise Russo
Stephanie Salter
Ellen Sanchez
Mary Simon
Stella Tatro
Beverly Terry
Kimberly Thompson
Marcia Tusting
Linda Ann Unemori
Cecilia Valente
Lisa Waters
Carolyn Waugh
Susan Weiss
Susan Wendt-Bogear
Laurel Winzler
Suzanna Yeh

Bob Acker
Roman Adler
David Altman
Ted Alves
Gene Angell
Steven Bartlett-Re
Franklin Bauer
Steve Bauman
Don Bechtel
Rich Bechtel
Austin Bergin
Mike Berkowitz
David Black
Brian Busta
Tom Carlisle
Joe Castrovinci
Paul Cheatham
Stewart Clark
David Clover
Rudy Cook
Doug Couture
Copley Crosby
Richard Dobbins
Nicholas Doxey
Pedro Echeandia
Steve Faringhy
Ted Foster
Eugenio Gámez
John Gilbert
Thomas Giuliano
Richard Goldman
Albert Goodwyn
Terry Gordon
Sean Greene
Rick Gydesen
Bill Higgins
William Holden
Mark Huelsmann
Stephen Jacobs
John Janonis
Eric Janovsky
Clint Jennings
Frank Jorgensen
Michael Josephson
Bill Joyce
Ron Kakiki
Keith Kamrath
Joe Kelley
Bill Klaproth
Nick Koras
Andrew Korniej
Ken Korpi
Dan Kyte
Greg Lawrance
John Lee
Mike Lipsky
Rod McCoy
Oren McEwen
Bob McKibben
Daniel Melia
Ed Meyers
Jim Miller
Matt Miller
Ian Mishkin
Karl Morgan
Malcolm Mosher
Rob Nathanson
Paul Newman
Barry Nielsen
Chris Noll
Mike Padilla
Dick Pallowick
Christopher Patnoe
Mike Pesavento
David Plotz
John Plotz
Tom Purcell
David Ransom
Paul Ricks
Bill Roehl
Steven Rosen
Louis Schilling
Paul Schoenkopf
Donald Share