Choose (see notes) 1st Commissioner 1st Officer 1st Prisoner, 1st Malingerer 2nd Commissioner 2nd Prisoner, 2nd Malingerer 2nd Psychiatrist, Army Doctor, Lt. Lukash 3rd Prisoner 4th Prisoner, 4th Malingerer A 15-year-old Girl Abbe Abbé de Chazeuil Abbess ABC reporter Abdallo, official of Nabucco's court Abdul, Omar’s brother Abe Abigail Williams Abigaille, slave, Nabucco's adopted daughter Abimélech Abraham Lincoln Absalom Kumalo Accompanist Achillas, his general Achilles Acrobat Actor Ada Hawkes Adalgisa Adam Adele Adina Adolfo Adolfo Pirelli Adriana Lecouvreur Aegisth Aennchen, Agathe's cousin African Drummer Afron Agamemnon, King of Argos Agata, mother of Luigia Agathe, Kuno's daughter Agnès Sorel Agnes Ward Agnes, his wife Agrippa von Nettesheim Agrippa: follower of Caesar Ah Sing Ahab, commander of the Pequod Ahmad, the pastryman Aida Ajax Aksinya Aksinya, a maid Alberich Albert Albert Gregor Albert, a bellboy Albert, Sergeant at arms Albine Alcina, a sorceress Alcindoro Alessio, a young villager Alex Alexandre Dumas, the writer Alfio Alfred Alfred Ill Alfredo Germont Ali, a friend of Mârouf Alice Ford Alidoro Alisa Almaviva Almaviva, The Count Alphonse XI, King of Castile Altichiara Alto Voice Alvise Badoero Alwa, son of Dr. Schön, a playwright Amadou Amanda Amando Amantio di Nicolao Amastris, a foreign princess betrothed to Xerxes Ambrogio Amelfa Amelfa (pantomime) Amelia Anckarström Amelia Grimaldi Amelia's servant Amélie Amenaide Amfortas Amida, Prince of Tremisene, in love with Erisbe Amina, a village maiden Amneris Amonasro Amore (Cupid) Amore (Love) An American Anatol Kuragin Ancella, a servant Ancestral Figure Andrea Chénier Andres, a soldier Andrew Johnson Andromache (Andromaque) Anfinomo, Penelope's suitor Angel First Class Angel More Angelica Angelica, princess of Cathay Angelika, the Indian Angelina (Cenerentola) Animal Trainer Animal Vendor Ann Ann Putnam Anna Anna (Anne Kennedy) Anna Bolena (Queen of England, second wife of Henry VIII) Anna Glawari, the merry widow Anna Gomez Anna Hope Anna, Erisso's daughter Anna, Zaccaria's sister Anne Anne Kronenberg Anne Trulove Annie Annina Annius (Annio), a Roman patrician Announcer Another female traveler Another girl Another male traveler Another man Another Philistine Another soldier Antenor, Captain of Trojan Spears Anthony Comstock Anthony de Rocher, Joseph's brother Anthony Hope Antinoo, Penelope's suitor Antonia Antonio Antony: Roman general, Triumvir Apollo Apollo, god of the sun Apostolo Gazella Apparition of a Young Man (mime) Apparition of a Young Man (singer) Apparition of a youth Apparition of Boris Timofeyevich Apprentice Arabella, elder daughter of the Waldners Arbace Archibaldo Argirio Arguing Couple (female) Arguing Couple (male) Ariadeno, King of Morocco and Fez Ariodante Ariodates, commander of Xerxes's army Arkel, King of Allemonde Arlecchino Arlene Kamen Armindo Arnalta, Poppea's nurse and confidante Arnold Melcthal Arrigo Arrival from Cleveland Arsace Arsace (Arshak II), King of Armenia Arsamenes, his brother Art Kamen Arthur Jarvis Arthur Jones Artichoke Vendor Artichoke Vendor's voice Arts Patroness Arturo Arturo, Lord Arthur Talbot, a Royalist commander Ascagne (Ascanius) Ascanio Petrucci Ashby Asmodus/Natural Philosopher Assan Assassin Associates Assur Astolfo Astolfo, Christian knight, cousin of Orlando Astolfo, his father Astradamors Astrologer Astrologer (pantomime) Astyanax Atalanta, her sister, secretly in love with Arsamenes Athamas, prince of Boeotia Athanaël Athena Attalo Attendant at St. Sulpice Attendant of Venus Attila, King of the Huns Auction Bidders Auction buyer Auctioneer Aufidio Augusta, wife of Horace Tabor Augustin Moser Aunt Lydia Aunt Xue Auntie, landlady of "The Boar" Aurora Austrian Woman Avito Ayah / Mrs. Medlock Azema Azolan, Valmont's valet Azucena Baba the Turk Bacchus Backwoodsman Ballad singer Ballerina Ballet Captain Ballet Master Ballet Soloist Ballet, a Man Ballet/Dejanira Balthasar Zorn Balthazar, abbot of a monastery and representative of the Pope Bandit Chief Bandoneon Banker Banquo Bao Chai Baobab Barak Barak's Wife Barbara Barbarina Bardolfo Barena Baritone Baritone/Tenor Barnaba Barney, associate of Tabor Baron Douphol Baron Grog Baron Jaroslav Prus Baron Mirko Zeta, Pontevedrian Ambassador Baron Ochs Baron Puck Baron Scarpia Baroness von Botzenheim, Mrs. Pavelic, A Peasant Barrel Vendor's voice Bartolo Basilio Bass Bass-baritone Bassist Bassoonist Bayan, a minstrel Beadle Bamford Beard Beatrice Beggarwoman Bella, King Fisher's secretary Belmonte Belzebuth/A Student Ben, a livery man Benoît Benvolio Beppe, an orphaned Gypsy boy Beppo Bersi Berta Bertarido Bertrand Bess Bethune, a French officer Betto Betty Betty Parris Bianca Biancofiore Bill Bill, called Money-belt Billy Billy Billy Budd Billy Daley Billy Jackrabbit Bird Seller Birdfood Vendor Birdfood Vendor's voice Biterolf Black Man Black Page Black Politician Blanche de la Force Blanche DuBois Blind wanderer Blonde Blue collar man Board Member Bob Boles, a fisherman and Methodist Bogdanovitch, Pontevedrian military attaché Bohemian Bolkonsky chambermaid Bolkonsky old footman Bolkonsky's valet Border guard Boris Godunov Boris Grigorjevich, Dikoj's nephew Boris Timofeyevich Ismailov, a merchant Boroff Bosun Bosun/Gunner's mate Bottom, a weaver Bowman Boy (John), Grimes's apprentice Boy at the hoe-down Boy Commander Boy in the saloon Boyar Boyar Feodor Shaklovity Boyar Khrushchev Bradamante, cousin of Orlando Bradamante, Ruggiero's betrothed Brambilla Brander Brangäne Bretschneider's Assistant Bretschneider, 1st Psychiatrist, Chaplain, A Soldier Bridegroom (Tuomas) Bridesmaid Bridget Booth Brigadier General Brigadier General Edward Alexander Brigadier General John A. Rawlins Brighella Brigitta British Dancing Girl Broom Vendor's voice Brother Benedictine Brother Chartreuse Brother Elustaf Brühlmann Brünnhilde Bruno, Sir Bruno Robertson, a Puritan officer Brutus Jones Buoso Donati Burgundian Lady Burgundian Troubadour Burton Bushy, associate of Tabor Butler Butterfly Bystander Byzantine Herald Cabin Boy Cadet Flautist Cadmus, King of Thebes Caesar's bodyguard Caesar: Roman Triumvir Caiphas Calaf Calbo, general of the Venetian army Calchas, High Priest Calkas, High Priest of Pallas Caller Calliope (muse of epic poetry) Cameraman Camille Camille de Rosillon, a Parisian gentleman Candy Canio Cantor Cap'n Andy Hawks Capellio, father of Giulietta Cappadocian Captain Captain Balstrode, retired merchant skipper Captain Gardiner, commander of the Rachel Captain James Nolan Captain of the Guard Captain Ramballe Captain Vere Capulet Carbon Card Player Cardinal at St. Mark's Cardinal Beaton Cardinal de Brogni, President of the Council Caretaker Carlo Gérard Carlson Carmen Carolina Carrot Vendor Carrot Vendor's voice Carry Nation Carry's Father Carry's Mother Carter Jones Cassandra, Princess of Troy Cassandre (Cassandra) Cassio Castro clone Caterina, housekeeper to Fritz Catherine the Great Catrina Cavalier CBS reporter Cecil (William Cecil, Lord Burleigh) Cécile de Volanges Cecilio Cefisa Celia Cellist Cenerentola Central Park cop Cesare Angelotti Cesira Chair Mender Chair Mender's voice Chambermaid Chang the Coffinmaker Chang's Wife Chaplain Chaplitsky Charles Ives Charles, Carry's suitor, later her husband Charlie Charlotte Charmian: attendant on Cleopatra Charon Charwoman Chef Chekalinsky Chernikovsky, a Jesuit Chernomor, an evil dwarf Cherubino Chevalier de Danceny Chevalier de la Force Chevalier des Grieux Chevalier Roland Chiang Ch'ing, Madame Mao Tse-tung Chief Magistrate Child Children Children's Voice(s) Chimène Chinese Chinese Cup Chinese Vendor Chloe Chorebe (Coroebus) Choreographic action by Chorus Chorus leader Chorus Seekers Chorus Soprano Solo Chou En-lai Chris the Citizen Chrisann Brennan Christian (Silvano) Christian de Neuveville Christopher Columbus I Christopher Columbus II Chrysothemis Chuck Cimbalom Cintia Cio-Cio-San's child Cio-Cio-San, Madama Butterfly Cirillo Citizen Civil Rights Marcher Claire Zachanassian Clairon, an actress Clara Clara (child) Clara d'Almanza, Louisa's friend Clarence Claudius, King of Denmark Cleaning Woman Cleo Lafont Cléomer, King of France Cleone Cleopatra Cleopatra: the Incarnate Isis and Queen of the Worlds of Egypt Cleric Clerk at the Clarendon Hotel Client Clio (muse of history) Clo-clo (grisette) Clorinda Clotilde Cloud Flower Blossom Clown Clytaemnestra, Queen of Argos Coachman Coachman Balaga Coal Gatherer Coal Picker Cobweb Cochenille Colline Cologne Innkeeper Colonel Eli Parker Columbine Commander X Commentator Company of Players Composer Comte des Grieux Concentration camp inmate Concepción Concept and video Concertmaster Conductor Condulmiero, general of the Venetian army Confederate Soldier Congo Witch Doctor Constance Fletcher Constanze Consuelo Consumptive Contessa di Coigny Contralto Cook Cop Coppélius Coralito Cordelia Corilla Sartinecchi, the primadonna Cornelia, widow of Pompey Coro dell'Ingrate (Heartless Ladies) Coroner Corporal Corps de ballet Counsel, Majordomo, Cook, Valet Count Albert Count Anckarström (Renato) Count Ceprano Count Danilo Danilovitch, first secretary to Baron Zeta Count de Gormas Count di Luna Count Dominik, one of Arabella's suitors Count Elemer, one of Arabella's suitors Count Gil Count Hauk-Šendorf Count Heinrich Count Horn (Sam) Count Horn (Tommaso) Count Lamoral, one of Arabella's suitors Count Lerma Count Monterone Count Panatellas Count Ribbing (Samuele) Count Ribbing (Tom) Count Rodolfo, lord of the manor Count Rostov Count Theodor Waldner Count Tomsky/Plutus Count Vaudemont Count Walter Count Warting (Tommaso) Counter-tenor Countess Countess Adelaide Waldner Countess Ceprano Countess Fuentes Countess Geschwitz Countess of Aremberg Countess of Mondecar Countess Suzanne Country woman Court Herald Court Jester Courtesan Courtier Cousin Crab Man Craig Crébillon Creditor Creon, King of Corinth Crespel Cressida, daughter of Calkas, a widow Cretan maiden Crobyle Crown Cupid Curio, a tribune Curley Curley's wife Curra Curzio Customhouse guard Customhouse Officer Customhouse Sergeant Customs Officer Customs sergeant Cyrano de Bergerac Cyril Cyril's Mother Daggoo, a harpooner Dahl Daland Daland's Steersman Dalila Dalinda Dame Quickly Dame Shirley Damigella, a maid in Ottavia's service Dan Hill Dan White Dancaïre Dance Soloists Dancer(s) Dancing girls Dancing man Dandini Danica Daniel Webster Daniele, her retainer Danish Lady Dansker Dapertutto Daphne Daphnis Dave Twichell-Tenor David David Riccio David, a rabbi De Brétigny De Guiche De Siriex Deacon Dealer Death Defender Delegate of Sailors, King of Spain, Commandant, Innkeeper Delegate of the sailors Demetrius Denisov Denver Politician Deputy Desdemona Designer #1 Designer #2 Designer #3 Desire Despina Detective Detective Thibodeau Dew Fairy Dex Dexter Diane Dianne Feinstein Dick Johnson, a.k.a. Ramerrez Didon (Dido) Diego Diego Rivera Dikoj, a merchant Dimitri Diomede, Prince of Argos Diomedes Dionysus Distant voice Djura, Mandryda's servant Doctor Doctor Grenvil Doctor Primus Dodo (grisette) Doge Doll Seller Dolly Dolokhov Dolores Claiborne Domna Ivanovna Saburova Don Alfonso Don Alonzo Don Alvar Don Alvaro Don Andres de Ribeira, the Viceroy Don Antonio, in love with Louisa Don Arias Don Carlo di Vargas Don Carlos, an impoverished nobleman, friend of Mendoza Don Diego Don Diègue Don Eligio Don Ferdinand, Don Jerome's son Don Fernando Don Gaspar, the king's minister Don Giovanni Don Inigo Gomez Don Jerome, a nobleman from Seville Don José Don Magnifico Don Ottavio Don Pasquale Don Pedro Don Pedro, the Governor Don Pizarro Don Quichotte Don Ramiro Don Riccardo, attendant to the King Don Ruy Gomez de Silva, a grandee of Spain Dona Sacramento Donald Donald Gallup Donella Donkey Driver Donna Anna Donna Elvira Donna Elvira, Silva's cousin Donna Gabriela Donna Leonora di Vargas Donner Dorabella Dorinda Dorotea Caccini, the mezzo soprano Dorothée Dory Kamen Dosifei, spiritual head of the Old Believers Dr. Blind Dr. Caius Dr. Crabbe Dr. Falke Dr. Goll Dr. Kolenatý Dr. Malatesta Dr. Miracle Dr. Schön Dr. Thorpe Dr. Wilhelm Reischmann Drug addict Drum Major Drums Drunken Guest Drunks Drusilla, in love with Ottone Dryade Duchess Elena, Sicilian sympathizer Duchess of Krakenthorp Duchess of Medina Sidonia; Soprano Solo Duchess of Parma Due converse Duel Second No. 1 Duel Second No. 2 Duenna, Louisa's chaperone Duke Alfonso Duke Bluebeard Duke Godfrey Duke of Albany Duke of Bedford (spoken) Duke of Cornwall Duke of Mantua Duke of Nottingham Duke of Parma Duke of Verona Dulcamara Dulcinée Dulcinée's Friend Dumas Duncan, King of Scotland Dunois Dunyasha Dunyasha, the Rostov chambermaid Dyke Earl of Gloucester Earl of Kent Earl of Morton Earl of Ruthven Echo Echo Econowife Ed Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Ray Killen Edgar, son of Gloucester Edgardo Edith Edmee Le Blanc, a New Orleans actress Edmondo Edmund, bastard son of Gloucester Edna Maud Eduige Edward Jarvis Edward Teller Effie, friend of Augusta Eight Servants Eighth Bridesmaid Eland Elder Gleaton Elder Hayes Elder Lieutenant B.F. Pinkerton Elder McLean Elder Ott Elderly fop Eleazar, a goldsmith Electra Electra, dauther of Clytaemnestra and Agamemnon, as a child Elektra Elena Elettra Elisa Bomelius Elisabeth Elisabeth Zimmer Elisabetta (Elizabeth I) Elisabetta, Queen of England Elise Eliza Elizabeth (Elisabetta) of Valois Elizabeth Keckley Elizabeth Proctor Elizabeth, child of Horace and Baby Doe Ellen Orford, a widow and schoolmistress Ellen Ward Ellen, the Governor's daughter Ellie Mae Chipley Elmiro Elsa von Brabant Elser McLean Elvino, a young farmer betrothed to Amina Elviro, Arsamenes's servant Emcee Emilia Emilia Marty Emilie, a whore Emilio Emily, friend of Augusta Emma, a young girl from the German Quarter Emperor Emperor Altoum Emperor Phorcas Emperor Überall Empress Empress's Nurse Enéas Enee (Aeneas) Engineer English clerk in a travel bureau English Lady Enobarbus: Antony’s lieutenant Enrichetta, Queen Henrietta Maria, widow of Charles I Enrico Enrico (Henry VIII), King of England Ensemble Ensemble, bass Ensemble, cello Ensemble, drums Ensemble, guitar Ensemble, keyboard Ensemble, viola Ensemble, violin Enzo Grimaldo Erato (muse of erotic poetry and mime) Erda Erice, her old nurse Ericlea, Ulisse's nurse Erik Erisbe, Queen of Morocco and Fez Ermione Ernani, a bandit chief (Don Juan of Aragon) Ernesto Ernie Eros: follower of Antony Errand Girl Escalus, Prince of Verona Escamillo Esclarmonde Esmeralda, a dancer Estrella Eudoxia, niece of the Emperor Eugene Onegin Eumete, Ulisse's old herdsman Eunice Hubbell Euridice Eurimaco, servant of Penelope Euterpe (muse of lyric poetry) Eva Evadne, her Servant Evangelist Eve Executioner's assistant Executioner, Voice from the Mast, First Wise Man Explicator Eye Ezekiel Cheever Ezio, a Roman general Fafner Fairy Fairy Godmother False Witness I False Witness II Fanatic Woman Faninal Faninal's Majordomo Farlaf, a Northern knight Farmer Farmer's Wife Fasolt Fata Morgana Father Father Anselm Father Augustine, prior of the monastery Father Chapelle Father Grenville, the prison chaplain Father-In-Law (Henrik) Fatima, Omar’s Mother Fattoumah, Mârouf's kill-joy wife Fatty Faust Fayette Fazio Federica Federico, friend of Fritz Fedor von Bock, field marshal of the Wehrmacht Fedora Feklusha, a servant Female Convict Female Traveler Fenena, Nabucco's actual daughter Fenicio Fenton Fernand, a novice Ferrando Fia Kamen Fiakermilli, a Cabaret Singer Fiammetta Field Marshal Kutuzov Fifth arrival Fifth Bridesmaid Fifth Child Fifth Flower Maiden Fifth inmate Fifth Jew Fifth maidservant Fifth Serving Woman Fifth Spirit Figaro Filipyevna Financiers Finn, a good-natured wizard Fiora Fiordiligi Fiorello Fire First "Damigella" First Alms Sister First Americans First Apparition First Apprentice First Armored Man First arrival in San Francisco First artisan First Bandit First Bojor (pantomime) First Bojor (sic) First Boy First Boyar First Boyar (pantomime) First Bridesmaid First Child First clown First companion First coquette First couple First daughter First Defender, First Guitarist, Young Man First Drinker First Efl First Esquire First Farmer First Farmhand First fisherman First Flower Maiden First Footman First Foreman First Former Wife First French actress First Genie First gondolier First Gravedigger First Guard First handmaiden First Herald (spoken) First hunter First inmate First Jailer First Jew First Judge First Knight First Knight of the Grail First Lady First Lady-in-waiting First Lay Sister First Lover First madman First Maid First Maidservant First man First Man (prologue) First masker First Mate First Merchant First Muezzin First Nazarene First newsboy First Niece First Night Watchman First Noble First noble orphan First Norn First Novice First Orphan First Page First Peasant First Peasant Girl First Philistine First Philosopher First Policeman First Priest First Priestess First princess First prison guard First Prisoner First Prussian General First Puppet First Sailor First Sailor Solo First Servant First Serving Woman First shepherd First singer First Sister First Slave First Soldier First Spirit First staff officer First Strelets First Tourière First tramp First Traveler First Trojan Lady First Vassal First Villager First Voice First Watchman First Woman First Wood Nymph First Workman First Young Coquette First Young Lover First Youth Fisherman Fisherwoman Fishmonger Flamand, a composer Flamenco Dancer Flaminio Flando Fiorinelli Flask, Third Mate Flautist Flavio Fleance, son of Banquo Flemish ambassador Flemish deputy Flora Bervoix Flora, a child in her charge Flora’s Servant Florestan Floria Tosca Flosshilde Flower (voice)/Lady-in-Waiting Flower Girl Flower/Dai Yu Flute Flute, a bellows-maker Followers Fool Footman Footman at the Willard Hotel Ford Foreign Princess Foreign Singer Foreign woman Foreman Foreman at the mill Forest Bird Foresto, a knight of Aquileia Forewoman Fortune Teller Fouquier-Tinville Fourth "Damigella" Fourth arrival Fourth Bridesmaid Fourth Child Fourth Esquire Fourth Flower Maiden Fourth Footman Fourth inmate Fourth Jew Fourth Maidservant Fourth Noble Fourth Page Fourth Peasant Fourth Serving Woman Fourth shepherd Fourth Spirit Fourth Trojan Lady Fox, a Dog Fra Diavolo Francesca Francis Nurse François Villon Frank Frank Sargent Frank Schultz Frantík Frantz Frasquinella Frasquita Frazier Frédéric, a young nobleman Frederick, Officer of the British Army in India Freed Slave Freia French Abbé French girl French Mother French Officer Frère Bernard Frère Bernard (Brother Bernard) Frère Elie (Brother Elias) Frère Léon (Brother Leo) Frère Massée (Brother Masseo) Frère Rufin (Brother Rufus) Frère Sylvestre (Brother Sylvester) Friar Friar (Charles V) Friar Dominic (actor) Friar Lawrence Fricka Frida Kahlo Friedrich von Telramund Friend of the troubadour Friends of Swanhilda et al. Fritz (child) Fritz Kothner Fritz, a wealthy young landowner Froh Frontier Guard Frosch Frou-frou (grisette) Fusako Kuroda, widowed owner of a fashion boutique Fyodor, son of Boris Gabriel von Eisenstein Gabriele Adorno Gabrielle Gabriello Gaea Galitsky, Prince of Galich, brother of Princess Yaroslavna Gambler Gamekeeper Garcias Gardener Garibaldo Garsenda Gaston Gastone Gavrila, Akhrosimova's footman Gay doctor Gaylord Ravenal Gazelle General Barclay de Tolly General Belliard General Bennigsen Général Boum General Compan's aide-de-camp General Howell Cobb General Konovnitsin General Leslie Groves General Polkan General Polkan (pantomime) General Rayevsky General Yermolov Geneviève, mother of Pelléas and Golaud Gennaro George Bailey George Benton, the prison warden George Ives George Milton Georgette Gerald, Officer of the British Army in India Gerhilde German Father German Mother Geronte de Ravoir Gertrude Gertrude Stein Gertrude, the Mother Gessler Gherardino Gherardo Gherman Ghost of Arsace and Olimpia's child Ghost of Cassandre Ghost of Chorebe Ghost of Hamlet's father Ghost of Hector Ghost of King Diran (Arsace's father) Ghost of Nino Ghost of Priam Giacomo Giannetta Giannetta's Friend Giannetto Malespini Gianni Schicchi Giarno Gilda Giles Corey Ginevra Giorgetta Giorgio Germont Giorgio, Sir George Walton, brother of Lord Walton Giovanna Seymour (Jane Seymour), her lady-in-waiting Giovanna, Elvira's nurse Giovanni Giovanni da Procida, Sicilian patriot Giovanni, the lame Giove (Jupiter) Girl Girl Girl on shore Giulietta Giulietta (Juliet) Giulietta, Stella Giunia Giuseppe Glasha, servant in the Kabanov household Glassmaker Glauce, his daughter Gloster Heming/Negro Man Gobin Golaud, grandson of Arkel Golitsin's servant Gondolier Goneril Gonzalve Good Fairy Gorislava, Ratmir's rejected lover Goro Governess Governess to Blanche Grace Kumalo Grand Duchess Grand Inquisitor Grandmother Buryjovka Granny Jia Gravier de Vergennes Gravis/Jurist Greek Captain Greek maiden Green Pea Vendor Green pea Vendor's voice Greenhorn, a new crew member Gregor Mittenhoffer Gregorio Grek Gretchen Gretchen's Brother (A Soldier) Gretel Grigory (the Pretender Dimitri) Grigory Grigoryevich Gryaznoy Grigory Lukyanovich Malyuta-Skuratov Grimgerde Grimoaldo Grinder Trusty (dancer) Grisette Groom Guadalena Guadalupe Ponti Guard Guard 1 Guard 2 Guardian of the Temple Gates Gubetta Guccio Guest Guglielmo Guglielmo Antolstoinolonoff, the first tenor Guide Guido di Monforte, French Governor of Sicily Guidon Guillaume Tell Guillot Guillot de Morfontaine Guitar Guitar player Gunner's Mate Gunther Gurnemanz Gustav von Aschenbach Gustavus III, King of Sweden (Riccardo) Gutrune Guy Tabarie Gypsy Gypsy Girl Hadji, a Hindu slave Hagen Hairdresser Half-tipsy Man Haly Hamlet, son of the former King of Denmark and Queen Gertrude Handmaid Handmaid 1 Handmaid 2 Handmaid 3 Handmaiden Handmaids, Aunts, Wives, Commanders, Eyes, Guards Handsome Hanezò, friend of Fritz Hangman Hans Hans (child) Hans Foltz Hans Sachs Hans Schwarz Hans, her betrothed Hänsel Happy Harashta (The Poacher) Harlequin Harlequin, first act Harmony Harold Mitchell (Mitch) Harry Harry Bailey Harvey Milk Hata, his wife Heavenly voice Hedwige Heinrich der Schreiber Held Helen Bailey Helena, in love with Demetrius Hélène Bezukhova Helenus Helmesberger Helmwige Henchman Henri Faust Henrietta M. Henry B. Henry Kissinger Henry Smithers, a cockney trader Henry Wong Henry, Lord Darnley Her 14-year-old son Her 19-year-old son Her daughter Her Father Her Mother Her son, the Duke of Krakenthorp Herald Herman Atlan Hermann Hermann Ortel Hermann, a young officer Hermia, in love with Lysander Hermit Herod Hérode (Herod), King of Galilee Hérodiade (Herodias), wife of Hérode Herodias Hervey (Sir Harvey), official at the court and the King's confidant High Priest High Priest of Baal High Priest of Brahma High Priest of Dagon High priest of Juno High Priest of Neptune High Priestess Hilda Mack Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, betrothed to Theseus His mother Hlabeni Hobson, a carrier Hofbauer Hoffmann Hooker Hope Horace Tabor, Mayor of Leadville Horaste, a friend of Pandarus Horatio Horn Horn player Horse Horst Brauer Hortensius Host Host of the Garter Inn Hostess Hostess of the Inn Hotel Barber Hotel Manager Hotel porter Hotel waiter Hotelier Howard Boucher, father of the murdered boy Huguette du Hamel Hunchback Hunding Hung Ch'ang-Ch'ing Hunter Huntsman Hurt Sailor Husband VIII Hylas Hymen Iago, attendant to Silva Ida Idamante Idia Legray Idomeneo Idreno Igor Svyatoslavich, Prince of Seversk Il Calandra Il Dottore Il Talpa Il Tempo (Time) Il Tinca Il Trinca Ilia Ill's daughter Ill's son Imam Imperial Commissioner Impresario Incidental Dance Incredibile (An Incroyable) Indian Boy Indian Gardener / Ben Weatherstaff Indiana Elliot Indiana Elliot's brother Inès, confidante to Léonor Inez Inigo Innkeeper Innkeeper's assistant Innkeeper's Wife Ino, daughter of Cadmus Inquisitor Inspector Iopas Iphigé Iphigeneia, eldest daughter of Clytaemnestra and Agamemnon Iras: attendant on Cleopatra Irina Iris, Juno's attendant messenger Irma Iro, gluttonous follower of the suitors Isaac Isabel Wentworth Isabella Isaura Isèpo Ismaele, nephew of the Hebrew king Isolde Italian Singer Italian Soprano Italian Tenor Ivan Ivan Sergeyevich Lykov Ivan the Terrible Ivanov Iza J. Robert Oppenheimer Jack Jack Hubbard Jack the Ripper Jack, Bella's boyfriend, a mechanic Jacob Glock Jacob, associate of Tabor Jacopo Fiesco Jacques Jacquot Jade Boucher, mother of the murdered boy Jailer Jake Jake Wallace Jakob Schmidt James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell James Jarvis James Stewart, Earl of Moray Janek Janie Janine/Ofwarren Jankel, a waiter Jannissary Jano Jaquino Jasbo Brown Jaschiu Jaschiu's father Jaschiu, Tadzio's friend Jason Javotte Jazz soloist Jean (John the Baptist) Jemmy Jenifer, his betrothed, a young woman Jenik Jenny Hill Jenny Reefer Jenůfa Jeppo Liverotto Jester Jesuit Jesus Jewish Vendor Jezibaba Jim Jim Mahoney Jimmy Charlton Jo the Loiterer Joan Joan of Arc Joan of Arc (actor) Joaquin Miller Joe Joe Cannon Joe St. George Joe, called Alaska-wolf Joe Johann Johann, also his friend Johanna Johannes Pafuri John John Adams John Buckley, lieutenant of the U.S. Air Force John Claggart John Faustus John Kumalo John of Luxemburg (dancer) John Proctor John Sorel Johnson Jokanaan Jonas Fogg José Castro Josef Mauer Josefa Segovia Joseph Joseph de Rocher Josephine, Cécile's maid Jou-jou (grisette) Journalist Juan Judas Judge Judge Danforth Judge Turpin Judith Julia Agnes Lee Julia Dent Grant Julie Julie La Verne Julie, Tourvel's maid Julien Julien, a poet Juliet Julius Caesar Junk Man Juno, Jupiter's queen Jupiter, king of the gods Karl Karl (child) Karolka Kaspar, a forester Kasturbai Kätchen Kate Pinkerton Kate, a dance hall entertainer Katerina (Kát'a, Katya), Tikhon's wife Katerina Ismailova, wife of Zinovy Borisovich Katerina Lvovna Ismailova, wife of Zinovy Borisovich Kathinka, his wife Kathy Katie Ellen Kecal, a marriage broker Keeper of the Madhouse Keyboard Kilian, a rich peasant King King Charles VII King Dodon King Dodon (pantomime) King Fisher, Jenifer's father, a business tycoon King Heinrich King Louis XI King Marke King of Clubs/The Herald King of Egypt King of Fools King of France King of Scotland King of the Fools King Priam King's Herald Kitchen Boy Kitty Hart, mother of the murdered girl Kitty Oppenheimer Klaas Klingsor Klingsor's Maiden Klytemnestra Klytemnestra's confidante Klytemnestra's trainbearer Knel, Prince of the House of Sunik, brother of Arsace, husband of Paransema Knight Kõbun Chino Otogawa Koby Konchak, Polovtsian Khan Konchakovna, daughter of Khan Konchak Konrad Nachtigall Kostelnička Buryjovka Kostelnička's Aunt Kristina Kromow, Pontevedrian Military Councillor Krushina, a peasant Kuligin, friend of Kudrjásh Kundry Kuno, the head forester Kunz Vogelgesang Kurogo Kurwenal Kutuzov's aide-de-camp Kuzka, a Streltsy sentry L'Abate L'Ami L'Ange (The Angel) L'Umana Fragilità (Human Frailty) La Badessa La Charmeuse La Cieca La Ciesca La Fortuna (Fortune) La Frugola La Gioconda La maestra delle novizie La Perichole La Roche, Director of a theater La Vecchia La Virtù (Virtue) La Zelatrice La Zia Principessa Laca Klemeň Lace Seller Lackey Ladies of the Court Lady Capulet Lady Guest Lady Harriet Lady Katherine de Vauxelles Lady Macbeth Lady Macduff Lady Madeline Lady Mary Lady Montague Lady on the Levee Lady Pamela Lady Wang Lady With a Cake Box Lady With a Hand Mirror Lady's page Lady-in-waiting Laerte Laërte, her brother Lakmé, daughter of Nilakantha Laldomine Lamplighter Landgraf Hermann Landlady Landlord Lapo Larkens Laura Laura Adorno Laurene Powell Jobs Lauret Lauretta Lauretta, Louisa's maid Laval-Montmorency Lavender menace Lavitsky, a Jesuit Lawyer Lay Sister Le Bret Le Lépreux (The Leper) Le Medecin Le Medicin Leader of the Players Léandre Lear Leicester (Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester) Leïla Lena Lena, a young mother Lennie Small Lensky Leokadja Begbick Leon Klinghoffer Leonardo Leoncavallo Leone (Pope Leo I) Léonor de Guzman, mistress to Alphonse Leonora Leonore Leopold Leopold, Prince of the Empire Lepidus: Roman Triumvir Leporello Lescaut Lescaut's friends Leukippos Leuthold Levis/Theologian Liberto, captain of the guard Lido boatman Lieschen Lieutenant Lieutenant Bonnet Lignière Lillas Pastia Lillian Russell Lily Linda Lindorf Lindoro Linette Lionel Lisa, hostess of the village inn Lisa/Chloe Lisabetta Lisbeth Lisette Little Bat McLean Littore (Lictor), officer of imperial justice Liù Ljubica Loby Local Nihilist Lodovico Loge Lohengrin Lola Lola Montez Lolette Lolita Lolo (grisette) Lopez, Don Ferdinand's servant Lord Capulet Lord Cecil Lord Gordon Lord Krishna Lord Montague Lord of Night Lord Plimpton Lord Richburg Lord Walton, Commander of the Puritan fortress Lorek Lorenzo Lorenzo, physician to the Capulets Loris Lothario Lottie Loudspeaker Louisa, Don Jerome's daughter Louise Lover Lt. B. F. Pinkerton Lucano (Lucan), poet, friend of Nerone Lucette (Cendrillon) Lucia Lucienne Lucifer Lucio Lucio Cinna Lucio Silla Lucrezia Borgia Ludmila, his wife Luigi Luigia Boschi, the second singer Luisa Miller Luke LuLing Liu Young Lulu Lurcanio Luther Lyman Ward Lysander Lyubasha Lyudmila, Svetozar's daughter M. Javelinot, a doctor Macbeth Macbeth's Servant Macduff, a Scottish nobleman Madame Arvidson (Ulrica) Madame Bardac, Raymond's mother Madame de Rosemonde, Valmont's aunt Madame de Tourvel, wife of a magistrate Madame de Volanges, a widow, Merteuil's cousin Madame Flora (Baba) Madame Larina Madame Peronskaya Maddalena Maddalena di Coigny Madeleine Madeline Mitchell Madeline Usher (dancer) Madeline Usher (voice) Madelon Madelon's Grandson Madrigal Singer Madrigalist Maecenas: follower of Caesar Maffio Orsini Magäros/A Platonist Magda de Civry Magda Sorel Magdalene Magic Object Magician (Nika Magadoff) Magistrate Magnolia Hawks Maid Maidservant Mailman Main soloist Maintop Maitre d' Maitre d'hotel Majordomo Majordomo of the Château Coigny Majordomo of the King of Spain Malatestino, the one-eyed Malcolm, son of Duncan Male Traveler Mallika, Lakmé's slave Mama Mama McCourt, Baby Doe's mother Mamma Lucia Mamoud Man Man Man #1 (Act I.2) Man #1 (Act II.1) Man #2 (Act I.2) Man #2 (Act II.1) Man #3 (Act I.2) Man #4 (Act I.2) Man at the opera Man at the piano Man in a trench coat/Cop Man in the crowd Man in the saloon Man with a Cornet Case Man with a donkey Man with a mule Man's voice Manager Mandarin Mandryka, A Croatian landowner Manfredo Manfredo, Sicilian patriot Manon Manon Lescaut Manrico Manservant Manuelita Mao Tse-tung Maometto the Conqueror, Ottoman Emperor Marcellina Marcello Marcellus Marchesa Attavanti Marchese di Calatrava Marchese d’Obigny Marco Marenka, their daughter Marfa Marfa Kabanová (Kabanikha), a rich merchant's widow Margherita Margot (grisette) Margret, Marie's neighbor Marguérite Maria Maria (Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots) Maria, Sciortino's mother Marianne Marie Marie's Child Marie/Marietta Marilyn Klinghoffer Marina Mnishek Marina's Lady-in-waiting Mario Cavaradossi Mariquita Mark, a young man of unknown parentage Mârouf, the cobbler Marquis d'Obigny Marquis de la Force Marquis of Calatrava Marquis of Tarapote Marquise de Merteuil, a wealthy widow Marquise of Berkenfield Mars Marschallin Marschallin's Footman Marschallin's Majordomo Marshal Marshal Berthier Marshal Davout Marta Martha Martha Sheldon Marthe Marty Kamen Marullo Mary Mary #1 Mary #2 Mary #3 Mary Beaton Mary Custis Lee Mary Fleming Mary Hatch Mary Lennox Mary Livingstone Mary Magdalene Mary Seton Mary Todd Lincoln Mary Warren Mary's Suitor Mary, friend of Augusta Mary, Queen of Scots Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova Marzelline Mascagni Masetto Masetto's brother Masha Master of Ceremonies Master of Ceremonies, Voditchka, Sgt. Vanek Matador Mate Mathias Mathieu Mathilde Matryosha, a Gypsy Matteo Matteo Borsa Matteo, a young officer Matthew Kumalo Mattie Matveyev Maurizio Mavra Kuzminichna, the Rostov maid Max (child) Max Greene Max, a forester Mayor Mayor George Moscone Mayor of the Village McCourt Family Member Medea, his wife Medic Medora Medoro Medoro, a young Saracen Mefistofele Meg Page Meg, a dance hall entertainer Melanto, Penelope's attendant Melcthal Melide, her waiting-woman, disguised as Egyptian Mélisande Melisso, Bradamante's tutor Melitone, a friar Melot Melpomene (muse of tragedy) Men of the Borough Mendoza's servant Miguel Mendoza's servant Pablo Mendoza's servant Pedro Mendoza, a rich fish merchant Menelaus Méphistophélès Mephistopheles/Night Watchman Mercédès Mercenaries Mercurio (Mercury), messenger of the gods Mercury Mercutio Mercy Lewis Mescalina Métivier, a French doctor Mexican Woman Mezzo-soprano Micaëla Michele Michele, a young intellectual Michonnet Midshipman Mignon Mike Myrick-Baritone Mikha, a landed proprietor Miles, a child in her charge Milica Milkwoman Miller Millhand Milliner Mime Mimì Miners Minerva Mingo Minister Minnie Mintz Miriam Mirinda, her waiting-woman Miss Hampton Miss Jessel, a former governess Miss Schlesen Missail, a vagabond monk Mistress of the Novices Mitrane Mityukha, a peasant Mlle. Dangeville Mlle. Jouvenot Mme. de Croissy, Prioress Mme. de la Haltière Mme. Lidoine, the new Prioress Mohammed Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Moira Moira's Aunt Molgi Molly Molly, Adele's sister Momus Monica Monk Monk/Dreamer Monostatos Monsieur Bertrand, an attorney Monsieur De Beausset Monsieur Taupe, the prompter Monsieur Triquet Montague, a Veronese nobleman Montano Monterone's daughter Montfleury Moralès Morgana, his sister Moroccan soldier Moth Mother Mother Bailey Mother Gerald Mother Goose Mother Jeanne Mother Marie, the assistant Prioress Mother of Barrels (spoken) Mother of Columbus, Alto Solo Mother of handicapped son Mother Superior Mother-In-Law (Patricia) Motor Cop Mr. Claiborne Mr. Cox Mr. Delgado Mr. Flint Mr. Fox Mr. Gobineau Mr. Kallenbach Mr. Knox Mr. Kofner Mr. Lennox / Archibald Craven Mr. Martini Mr. Owen Mr. Page Mr. Parker, a theater manager Mr. Pease, a bank manager Mr. Potter Mr. Ratcliffe Mr. Redburn Mr. Rufino Mrs. Alexander Mrs. Benson, a governess Mrs. Charlton Mrs. Delgado Mrs. Elizabeth (Baby) Doe, a miner's ex-wife Mrs. Gleaton Mrs. Gobineau Mrs. Grose, the housekeeper Mrs. Hayes Mrs. Ill Mrs. Lennox / Susan Sowerby Mrs. Lovett Mrs. M'kize Mrs. McLean Mrs. Müller, Katy Wendler, Mrs. Kakonyi Mrs. Naidoo Mrs. Nolan Mrs. O'Brien Mrs. O'Malley Mrs. Ott Mrs. Patrick de Rocher, Joseph's mother Mrs. Sedley, a widow Mrs. Thompson Muchacho (Young Man) Muff, an Indian comedian Murat's aide-de-camp Muse/Nicklausse Musetta Music Teacher Musician Musicians: Skula Musicians: Yeroshka Musketeer Mustafà Mustardseed Myrtale Nabucco, King of Babylon Nada Nadir Naiade Naina, an evil sorceress Nancy Nancy T'ang, First Secretary to Mao Nannetta Nantucket Sailor Napoleon Napoleon's aide-de-camp Narbal Narraboth Narrator Narumoff Natasha Rostova Natchez Girl Nathanaël Naval Captain Naval Officer NBC reporter Ned Ned Keene, apothecary and quack Ned Peters Nedda Negro Woman Neighbor Neighboring King Nekrotzar Nella Nelson Nélusko Nemorino Nepomuc Nereo Nereus Neri Nerillo, Amida's page Neris, handmaiden to Medea Nerone (Nero), Emperor of Rome Nerses, Catholicos of Armenia Nettuno (Neptune) New Ofglen Newsboy Newscasters Newspaper Girl Newspaper seller Nicias Nick Nick Nick Shadow Nicklausse Double Nicola Nicolette Night Watchman Nihilist (Teacher) Nikitich, a police officer Nilakantha, a Brahmin priest Ninetta Ninetta, her retainer Ninette Ninette, Cleo's daughter Nirenus, Cleopatra's eunuch Njegus, an embassy secretary Noble Noble of Brabant Noble Orphan Noboru, her son, also called Number Three Noctambulist Noctambulist; King of Fools Noémie Norina Norma Norma's Child Normanno Notary Nottingham's servant Nourabad Novice Novice's Friend Number Five Number Four Number One, the Leader Number Two Nun Nurse Nursing Sister Nutrice, Otaavia's nurse Nymph Oberon, King of the Fairies Oberto Oboist Octavia: sister of Caesar, wife of Antony Octavian Octet, Prayer Scene, Act II Odabella, daughter of the Lord of Aquileia Odoardo Odysseus Off-stage voice Officer Officer's Wife / Martha Sowerby Official Registrar Offred Offred Double Offred's Commander Offred's Daughter Offred's Mother Offstage voice Ofglen Old Clothes Man Old Convict Old Gardener (Gérard's father) Old gondolier Old Gypsy Old Gypsy woman Old Hebrew Old Lady Old Luggage Man Old Man Old Native Woman Old Peasant Old Poet Old Prince Nicolai Bolkonsky Old Prisoner Old Roma Old Servant Old shepherdess Old Silver Miner Old Woman Olga Olga, his wife Olimpia, Queen of Armenia, Daughter of the Emperor of Byzantium Olin Blitch Oliver Ward Olivier, a poet Ollie Ward Oloferno Vitellozzo Olufemi Olympia Omaha Omar Ombre d'Inferno (Infernal Spirits) One of the Young Men One-armed Man One-eyed Man Onlooker Ophélie Orazio Coclite Orazio Prospero, the librettist Orbazzano Orest Oreste Orestes, son of Clytaemnestra and Agamemnon, as a child Orfeo Oriental pas de deux Orlando Orlando, Christian knight, nephew of Charlemagne Ormindo, Prince of Tunis, in love with Erisbe Ormonte Oroe Oronte, betrothed to Morgana Oroveso Ortensio, attendant of the countess Ortlinde Ortrud Oscar Osmano, Captain of Ariadeno's forces Osmin Ostasio Otello Ottavia (Octavia), Empress of Rome Ottokar, the ruling prince Ottone (Otho), Poppea's former lover Overseer Ovlur, a Christian Polovtsian Owen Owen Hart, father of the murdered girl Pablo Gonzales Padre Guardiano, Abbot of Hornachuelos Page Page of Herodias Painter Palémon Pallade (Pallas Athena), goddess of wisdom Pamina Pamtheas Pandarus, brother of Calkas Pandolfe Pang Pantalis Pantalon/Farfarello/Master of ceremonies Panthee (Pantheus) Pantomime Pantomime by Paolo Albiani Paolo Erisso, governor of Negroponte Paolo, the handsome Papagena Papageno Papageno/Narrator Paperboy Paquillo Paralegal Paransema, Princess of the House of Sunik, wife of Knel Paris Parpignol Parséis Parsi Rustomji Parsifal Partenope Parthy Ann Hawks Participant in the hoe-down Partner of the ballerina Pas de trois dancer Pasha Selim Pasquale Sciortino, a lawyer Pasquale's domestic staff Pasqualita Pastuchyna Pat Pat Nixon Patterson Paul Paul Jobs Paul's Double Paulina/Daphnis Pavelic, General von Schwarzburg, Mr. Kakonyi, A Soldier Peasant Peasant girl Peasant Woman Peasant's Daughter Peaseblossom Pedrillo Pedro Pelléas, grandson of Arkel Peneios Penelope, wife of Ulisse Pepík Percussion Périchaud Perrot (Boy -- spoken) Pete Peter Peter Grimes, a fisherman Peter Oppenheimer Peter the Great Peter's Accuser I Peter's Accuser II Peter, the Father Petrovna Phanuel, a Chaldean Pharisee of Capernaum Philine Philip II Philistine Messenger Philostrate, Master of Ceremonies Photographer Physician Pianist Pianist-Parker-Agent Piano Pierre Bezukhov Pierrot Piet the Pot Pietro Pietro Fléville Pilade Pilate Pilot Pimen, a monk and chronicler Pinellino Ping Pip, Ahab's cabin boy Pirro Pisandro, Penelope's suitor Pistola Pitichinaccio Platon Karatayev Plunkett Pluto Plutone (Pluto) Plutus Poet Poisson Police Commissioner Police Inspector Police Officer Police Officer, 3rd Psychiatrist. 3rd Malingerer, Col. Kraus von Zillergut, A Peasant, A Soldier Police Sergeant Policeman Policemen, agents of Rome Polinesso Polinesso's squire Polisena Polish family's governess Polish guest Polish son Politico Pollione Polly Polonius, Court Chamberlain Poluceman Polyhymnia (muse of sacred music) Polyxene (Polyxena) Pong Pony Express Rider Popolana Poppea, noble lady, mistress of Nerone Porcus Porgy Porter Porter / Dickon Sowerby Postcard Seller Postillion Pothinus, Ptolemy's chief minister Poussette Praskowia, his wife Preacher Precious Auntie Premiere danseuse President Chester A. Arthur Presiding officer Preziosilla Priest Priestess Prima ballerina Prima Donna (Ariadne) Prime Minister Primer Aldeano (First Villager) Primera imagen de Frida (First Frida Image) Prince Prince Afron Prince Afron (pantomime) Prince Andrei Bolkonsky Prince Andrei Khovansky, Prince Ivan's son Prince Andrei's orderly Prince Arjuna Prince Charming Prince de Bouillon Prince Eugene's aide-de-camp Prince Go-Go Prince Gremin Prince Guidon Prince Guidon (pantomime) Prince Ivan Khovansky, leader of the Streltsy Prince of Persia Prince Orlofsky Prince Paul Prince Shuisky Prince Vassily Golitsin, Keeper of the Great Seal Prince Yamadori Prince Yeletsky Princess Princess Clarice Princess de Bouillon Princess Eboli Princess Jia Princess Marya Bolkonskaya Princess Negroni Princess Saamcheddine Princess Turandot Principal Dancer(s) Principal Dancers, Act III Prison Sergeant Prisoner Pritschitch, Pontevedrian consul Prologue Prometheus Prosecutor Proserpina Prospect-Mark Twain Prostitute Prune Vendor Prunier Ptolemy, Cleopatra's brother Pu-Tin-Pao, Executioner Publius (Publio), Prefect of the Guard Puck Pulici Pullman Porter Puppeteers Pylade Quartet Member Queen Queen Gertrude Queen Hecube (Hecuba) Queen Isabella Queen of Shémaka Queen of Shémaka (pantomime) Queen of the Night Queenie Queenie's Friends Queequeg, a harpooner Quinault Quince, a carpenter Quintet Qujnt, a former man-servant Rabonier Rachel, his daughter Radames Rag Picker Rag Vendor Rag Vendor's voice Rag Vendor; Song Writer Ragueneau Raimondo Rajah / Colin Rambaldo Fernandez Rambo Ramfis Ramiro Rammirez Ramón Randall Rangoni, a Jesuit priest Raoul de St. Brioche, a French diplomat Ratmir, Prince of Khazar Raymond Bardac, a wealthy young Creole Rebecca Nurse Receptionist Recruiter Recruiting officer Red Whiskers Regan Reinmar von Zweter Remendado Renata René de Montigny Renty #1 Renty #2 Reporter Resident conductor Restaurant waiter Rev. John Hale Rev. Samuel Parris Reverend Horace Adams, the rector Reverend Olin Blitch Reynold of Chartres (dancer) Riccardo Percy (Lord Henry Percy), Earl of Northumberland Riccardo, Sir Richard Forth, a Puritan colonel Richard Nixon Rick Rescorla Rigoletto Rinuccio Rita Robbins Robert E. Lee Robert Wilson Roberto Devereux, Earl of Essex Roberto, a French soldier Robin, page to Falstaff Rocco Rochefort (George Boleyn, Lord Rochford), Anne Boleyn's brother Rodelinda Roderick Usher Roderigo Rodolfo Rodolphe Rodrigo, an athlete Rodrigo, Marquis of Posa Rodrigue Rodriguez Roger Albert, a boy Roggiero Roméo Romilda, his daughter, in love with Arsamenes Rosalinde Rosaline, niece to Capulet Rose, her companion Roselbo Rosetta, Cesira's daughter Rosette Rosina Rosina, Clara's maid Rosina, The Countess Rosmira Rossweisse Roucher Rouget Rouvel Roxane Royal Herald Royal Oven-stoker Ruffiack Ruggero Lastouc Ruggiero, a Paladin held captive Ruggiero, Grand Prevost Ruggiero, Saracen knight, later Christian Ruiz Ruodi Ruprecht Rusalka Ruslan, a knight of Kiev, Lyudmila's fiancé Russian child Russian Father Russian Mother Russian nanny Rustighello Ruth Putnam Ruth Young Kamen Rychtarka, his wife Ryuji Tsukazaki, second officer Sacristan Sadomasochist Sailor Sailor with Earring Sailor's Voice Saint François (Saint Francis) Sally Salomé Saloon Bouncer Sam Polk Sam Wainwright Sam, associate of Tabor Samantha, a maid Samaritana Samson Samuel (Count Ribbing) Sancho Pança Sandman Sante, a dumb servant Santuzza Sara, Duchess of Nottingham Saracen Envoy Sarah Good Sarah, friend of Augusta Sarastro Satyavan Savitri Savojardo Saxophone Scaramuccio Scarus: follower of Antony Schabernack Schaunard Schigolch Schlemil Schmidt, Jailer at St. Lazare Schobiack Schoolboy Schoolmaster Schweik Schwertleite Sciarrone Scipio Scott Smith Sculptor Scythian Sea Captain Second "Damigella" Second Alms Sister Second American Second Apparition Second Apprentice Second Armored Man Second arrival Second artisan Second Bandit Second Bojor Second Bojor (pantomime) Second Boy Second Boyar Second Boyar (pantomime) Second Bridesmaid Second Child Second clown Second companion Second coquette Second couple Second daughter Second Defender and Guitarist, Recruit.Officer, Second Wise Man, Grown Man Second Drinker Second Elf Second Esquire Second Farmer Second Farmhand Second fisherman Second Flower Maiden Second Footman Second Foreman Second Former Wife Second French actress Second Genie Second gondolier Second Gravedigger Second Guard Second handmaiden Second Herald Second hunter Second inmate Second Jailer Second Jew Second Judge Second Knight Second Knight of the Grail Second Lad Second Lady-in-waiting Second Lay Sister Second Lover Second madman Second Maid Second Maidservant Second man Second Man (prologue) Second masker Second Mate Second Merchant Second Muezzin Second Nazarene Second newsboy Second Niece Second Night Watchman Second Noble Second noble orphan Second Norn Second Novice Second officer Second Orphan Second Page Second Peasant Second Peasant Girl Second Philistine Second Philosopher Second Pianist Second Policeman Second Priest Second Priestess Second princess Second prison guard Second Prisoner Second Prussian General Second Puppet Second Sailor Second Sailor Solo Second Secretary to Mao Second Servant Second Serving Woman Second shepherd Second singer Second Sister Second Slave Second Soldier Second Spirit Second staff officer Second Strelets Second Tourière Second tramp Second Traveler Second Trojan Lady Second Vassal Second Villager Second Voice Second Watchman Second Woman Second Wood Nymph Second Workman Second Young Coquette Second Young Lover Second Youth Secret police agent Secretary Seeker Segunda imagen de Frida (Second Frida Image) Segundo Aldeano (Second Villager) Selena St. George Sélika Selimo, his minister Sellem Semele, daughter of Cadmus Semiramide Seneca, philosopher, Nerone's tutor Senta Sentinel Sentry Sentry in Siberia Sepoy Ser Toldo Berardengo Serena Serena Joy Sergeant Sergeant Belcore Sergeant of the Archers Sergeant of the Frontier Guard Sergeant, Mr. Wendler Sergei Sergei, a new hired hand Sergio Servant Servant Boy Servant of Lady Harriet Servant of Macbeth Servant of Nicias Servilia, sister of Sextus, in love with Annius Seventh Bridesmaid Sextus (Sesto), Roman patrician, in love with Vitellia Sextus, son of Pompey and Cornelia Shabby Peasant Shadow Dancer Sharpless Shchelkalov, Secretary of the Duma Shelly Ward Shepherd Boy Shepherd; Sailor's Voice Shepherdess Sheriff Sheriff Jack Rance Sheriff of Richmond Sheriff Vallon Ship Mate Ship Steward Shoe Salesman Shop Man shopkeeper Shy One Sicle, Princess of Susio, disguised as Egyptian Sid Siebel Siegfried Sieglinde Siegmund Siegrune Silver Dollar (adult) Silver Dollar, younger child of Horace and Baby Doe Silvio Simon Simon Boccanegra Simone Simpleton Singer Singer: A man Singer: Dejanira Sir John Falstaff Sir Tristan Sir Walter Raleigh Sister Sister Alice Sister Angelica Sister Anne of the Cross Sister Anne, a nun Sister Antoine Sister Catherine Sister Claire Sister Constance, a young nun Sister Delcina Sister Dolcina Sister Felicity Sister Genevieve Sister Genoveva Sister Genovieffa Sister Gertrude Sister Helen Prejean Sister Lillianne Sister Marta Sister Martha Sister Mathilde Sister Monitor Sister Osmina Sister Rose Sister St. Charles Sister Valentine Sixth Bridesmaid Sixth Flower Maiden Sixth Spirit Sixtus Beckmesser Slave Slaveship Crewman 1/Slaver Slaveship Crewman 2 Sleeping Steersman Slim Smaragdi, a slave Sméraldine Smeton (Mark Smeaton), Queen's page and household musician Snout, a tinker Snug, a joiner Soldier Soldier of the Emperor's bodyguard Soldiers, children, cigarette girls, Roma, smugglers Solo Dancer (Cockerel) Solo Dancer(s) Solo Dancer, Act I Solo dancer, duo Solo dancer, trio Solo Maid Solo Sister Solo Voice Solo Voices at end of opera Soloist soloist/baritone soloist/bass soloist/mezzo-soprano soloist/soprano soloist/tenor Somnus, god of sleep Song Vendor Song Writer Songwriter Sonora Sonya Sonyetka Sophie Soprano Soprano voice Sosostris, a clairvoyante Spalanzani Spanish dancer Spanish Official Spanish pas de deux Spanish Sailor Sparafucile Speaker Special appearance by Spinelloccio Spirit Messenger Spirit of Music Spirit of the Forester (Dancer) Spirit of the Vixen (Dancer) Spirits Spoletta Sportin' Life Springer, the circus director Squeak St. Catherine St. Jacques St. Margaret Staff Officer Stag Stage Director Stage doorman Stage Pianist Stagehand Standard-bearer Stanley Kowalski Starbuck, First Mate Starveling, a tailor Steersman Stefano, husband of Corilla Stella Stella Kowalski Stephano Stephen Kumalo Števa Buryja Steve Baker Steve Hubbell Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak Steward Stone (voice)/Eunuch Stone/Bao Yu Stonewall girl Strawberry seller Strawberry Woman Street Arab Street dancer Street Singer Street Sweeper Street Urchin Strephon, one of the dancers Streshnev, a herald Strolling Player Stubb, Second Mate Student Student #1 (Markéta) Student #2 (Lilly) Student #3 (Iris) Student #4 (Anton) Student #5 (Jerónimo) Student #6 (Alexia) Student from Krakow Student from Wittenberg Sugar Daddy Sugar Mama Suleiman Sulpice Sulpizio, a sergeant in the 11th regiment of Napoleon's army Sultan, father of the Princess Suor Angelica Suora Genovieffa Suora Osmina Supervisor Dolson Supervisor Gonzales Supervisor Hutch Supervisor Kopp Supervisor Lau Supervisor Molinari Supervisor Pelosi Supervisor Silver Surgeon Surin Susan B. Anthony Susan Burling Ward Susan Rescorla Susanna Susanna Walcott Susanna, an elderly Old Believer Susannah Polk Suzanne Suzel Suzel's neighbor Suzuki Suzy Svetozar, Grand Duke of Kiev Swallow, a lawyer Swanhilda Sweeney Todd Swiss Grandmother Sylviane, his wife T. Morris Chester Taddeo Tadzio Tadzio's mother Tadzio's sister Tadzio, a Polish boy Talbot (George Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury) Tamar Tamino Tancredi Tannhäuser Taoist Priest Tashtego, a harpooner Tatyana Tavern Pianist Taylor Tchélio Teacher Teacher (Cecilia) Teamster Tebaldo Tebaldo (Tybalt) Tebaldo, a French soldier Ted Teena Teenage Boy Teenage Girl Teenage Kim Telemaco (Telemachus), son of Ulisse Tenor Tenor (Bacchus) Tenor voice Tercer Aldeano (Third Villager) Tercera imagen de Frida (Third Frida Image) Teresa, proprietor of the mill and Amina's foster mother Terpsichore (muse of dance and choral song) Tess #1 Tess #2 Testo Teucer Thaddeus Stevens Thaïs Thalia (muse of comedy and idyllic poetry) The (later) Mayor of Leadville The Alcalde of Hornachuelos The Ancients, priest and priestess of the temple The Archbishop The Armchair The Ass (actor) The Badger The Bailiff The Bat The Bishop of Blois The Bonze The Bride (Stela) The Burgomeister The Businessman The Cannibal, a comedian The Cat The Chief Hen The Clock The Cock The Commedia The Commendatore The Count, her brother The Countess's servant The Cricket The Dachshund The Doctor The Doorkeeper The drummer The Drunkard The Dutchman The Fellah The Forrester The Forrester's Wife The Fox The Frog The Grasshopper The Infanta The Jay The Kadi The Lady's Page The Lark The Little Prince The Moorish Envoy The Mosquito The Other Nuns The Owl The Parson THE PLAY The Princess, her Aunt The Professor The Rose The Screech-Owl The Scrivener The Sister of the Novices The Snake The Squirrel The Teapot The Unanswered Question The Vixen The Voice of the oracle The Waitress (Tereza) The Woodpecker The Young Vixen (Child) Theater Manager Theatre Director Their governess Their Mother Their nanny Their son Theseus, Duke of Athens Thibault Thibaut Thibaut d'Aussigny Thierry, valet to the Marquis Third "Damigella" Third (offstage) gondolier Third Apparition Third arrival Third Boy Third Bridesmaid Third Child Third companion Third coquette Third couple Third Defender and Guitarist, Reception Officer, Officer, Third Wise Man, Ghost of Columbus Third Esquire Third fisherman Third Flower Maiden Third Footman Third Foreman Third Former Wife Third Genie Third Herald Third hunter Third inmate Third Jew Third Lady Third madman Third Maid Third Maidservant Third masker Third Night Watchman Third Noble Third noble orphan Third Norn Third Orphan Third Page Third Peasant Third Priest Third princess Third Sailor Solo Third Secretary to Mao Third Servant Third Serving Woman Third shepherd Third Sister Third Slave Third Soldier Third Spirit Third tramp Third Trojan Lady Third Watchman Third Woman Third Wood Nymph Third workman Third Young Coquette Third Youth Thoas Thomas Putnam Three Boys Three consuls Three followers of Seneca Three Girls Three Graces Three Ladies Three Orphans Three Servants Three Slaves Three tribunes Three Watchmen Tiger Tikhon Kabanov, her son Tikhon Shcherbaty Timur Tisbe Tituba Titurel Titus (Tito), Emperor of Rome Tobby Higgins Tobias Ragg Toby Toison d'or Tolomeo (Ptolemy), her brother, King of Egypt Tom (Count Horn) Tom Henney, a New York politician Tom Rakewell Tommy Toni Reischmann Tonio Tony Tornaquinci Torquemada Touriere Tourist Tower Warden Town Crier Trabuco Train conductor I Train conductor II Traveler Tree Trin Trinca Trinity Moses Trio Triquet Trishka Tristan Troilus, Prince of Troy Trojan Chief Trojan Man Trojan Soldier Trombone Trouble Trouble, Cio-Cio-San's child, now an adult Truffaldin Truffaldino Trulove Trumpet Tsar Alexander Turiddu Turkish Man Turkish Woman Tutor of Orest Two bridesmaids Two Converts Two Cretan maidens Two Dancers Two Farmers Two Guards Two Lovers Two Men Two Novices Two soldiers Two Trojan men Two Turkish Men Two Turkish Women Two voices Tybalt Tytania, Queen of the Fairies U.S. postman Uldino, Attila's Breton Slave Ulisse (Ulysses) Ulrich Eisslinger Ulysses S. Grant Un Garçon Un Maestro di casa Un Paggio (a page) Una dell'Ingrate (A Heartless Lady) Una novizia (a novice) Uncle Albert Uncle Billy Bailey Uncle Yakuside Undertaker Unulfo Urania (muse of atronomy) Usher Vain Man Valencienne, his wife Valentin Valinace, Prince of the House of Sunik, Commander in Chief of the Armenian army Valletto, Ottavia's page Valzacchi Vána Kudrjásh, teacher employed by Dikoj Varlaam, a vagabond monk Varsonofiev Vartan, Arsace's Guardsman Varvara, foster daughter in the Kabanov household Vasco da Gama Vasek, their son Vasily Stepanovich Sobakin Veit Pogner Vendor Venere (Venus) Venetian Venus Venus/Gepopo Vera Boronel Vera Donovan Vicomte Cascada, a Latin diplomat Vicomte de Valmont, a notorious rake Vicomte de Valvert Victoire, Merteuil's maid Victorin Vietnam veteran Village Drunk Villager Vincenzo Biscroma, the composer Violetta Valéry Violinist Violist Virgil Thomson Virgin Virginella Vítek Vitellia, the deposed emperor's daughter Vitellius, Roman Proconsul Vizier Vladimir Igorevich, Igor's son by his first marriage Vocalist Vodnik (Water Goblin) Voice Voice from Above Voice from the Angelic Choir Voice in the Prologue Voice in the Temple Voice of a Prisoner Voice of a Youth Voice of Antonia's Mother Voice of Apollo Voice of Dionysus Voice of Mercury Voice of the Falcon Voice of the Giant Head Voice of the Golden Cock Voice of the Oracle Voice of Zamiel, the Black Huntsman Voodoo dancer Vulcan Wagner Waiter Waiter at the inn Walpurgis Night dancers Walter Fürst Walther von der Vogelweide Walther von Stolzing Waltraute Wanda Wanderer (Wotan) Wang Tai-Tai Wardrobe Mistress Warren's Wife Washington Dandy Water Water Spirit Watercress Vendor Watercress Vendor's voice Watercress Vendor; Chair Mender Welko, Mandryka's servant Wellgunde Wenzel, son of Mikha Werther Wesley Whipper White Politician Widow Widow Wife of Columbus Wigmaker Wigmaker's assistant Wilhelm Will Will-o'-the-wisp William Jennings Bryan, Democratic presidential candidate William of Flavy (dancer) Wilmer McLean Wise man Witch who eats children Witch/Anne Sexton Wizard Woglinde Wolfram von Eschenbach Woman Woman #1 (Act I.2) Woman #1 (Act II.1) Woman #2 (Act I.2) Woman #2 (Act II.1) Woman #3 (Act I.2) Woman #4 (Act I.2) Woman Farmer Woman I Woman II Woman in the crowd Woman's voice Woodsman Wotan Wowkle Wozzeck Wu Ching-Hua Wurm Xenia, daughter of Boris Xerxes, the King of Persia Yaroslavna's Nurse Yaroslavna, Igor's second wife Yeshua (Jesus) Yet another female traveler Yet another male traveler Yniold, Golaud's son from a previous marriage Young Babylonian Young Ballerina Young Boy Young Collector Young couple in love Young Duke Young George Young Girl Young Harry Young Harvey Young Kim Young Knight Young Man Young man on a boat to Venice Young Mary Young Nobleman, friend to Rosaline Young Nun Young Peasant Young Ragpicker Young Sam Young Servant Young Shepherd Young soldier Young Woman Young workman Youth Youth, mimed by Youth, sung by Yvette Zaccaria, High Priest of the Hebrews Zaretsky Zdenka, Arabella's sister Zerbinetta Zerlina Zeus Zinovy Borisovich Ismailov, his son Zita Zora Zoroastro Zozo Zuàne Zulma Zuniga Zurga Zuzu