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La Traviata

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Based On

the play La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas fils

San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Ian Robertson(11/25, 29; 12/5)
Set Designer(s)
Costume Designer(s)
Lighting Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)


Violetta Valéry
Susan Patterson(11/25,29; 12/5)
Carol Vaness(9/6,11,14,18,22,27)
Doctor Grenvil
James Wood(11/25,29; 12/5)
Dale Travis(9/6,11,14,18,22,27,29)
Baron Douphol
Flora Bervoix
Yanyu Guo(11/25,29; 12/5)
Catherine Keen(9/6,11,14,18,22,27,29)
Marquis d'Obigny
Alfredo Germont
Jorge Lopez-Yañez(11/25; 12/5)
Marcello Giordani(9/6,11,14,18,22,27,29)
Hong-Shen Li(11/29)
Giorgio Germont
Paolo Coni(9/6,11,14,18,22,27,29)
Gaétan Laperrière(11/25,29; 12/5)

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

Mid-19th century Paris and environs


Act I -- Violetta's house
Act II -- A country house near Paris
Act III -- Flora's house
Act IV -- Violetta's house



The Opening Night performance is sponsored by Lexus, a Division of Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc.

The performance of November 25 is sponsored by Andersen Consulting.


This production was originally made possible by Louise M. Davies.


Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios

Costumes executed by San Francisco Opera Costume Shop, Dale Wibben and Jean Lamprell

Ms. Vaness was unable to perform 9/29/1991 as scheduled and was covered by Mariana Nicolesco.

Jorge Lopez-Yanez was unable to perform 11/29/1991 as scheduled and was covered by Hong-Shen Li.


San Francisco Opera gratefully acknowledges the support of its many supernumeraries who have volunteered their services for this year's production of "War and Peace."

Supernumeraries are listed for the first group of three operas; there is no opera-by-opera breakdown:

Susan Anderson
Phyllis Blair
Regina Bustillos
Renée DeJarnatt
Joan Imbeau
Andrea Kohlruss
Ann Paras
Stephanie Salter
Beverly Terry
Carolyn Waugh
Caper Whitfield
Deidre Whitfield
Laurel Winzler

Thomas Abels
Edward Alexander
Brett Allen
Gene Angell
John Atkinson
Alan Benson
Michael Berkowitz
Steven Bloom
Walter Blumst
Tom Burroughs
Roy Cairo
Peter Cannon
Tom Carlisle
Chip Carman
Al Carrie
Joe Castrovinci
Bernard Cherin
William Chiles
David Clover
Joseph Cohen
Scott Colby
Rudy Cook
Douglas Couture
Brian Lee Cronk
Copley Crosby
Vincent Cruz
Francis Danielson
Peter de Petra
Kelly Decker
Charles Democko
Mark Depke
Brian Devine
Jope Dial
Jim Diederick
Mikko Disini
Russ Dotter
Jim Dyvad
Jim Ensign
Richard Fehler
Angelo Festa
C.J. Figueroa
H.T. Fish
Ted Foster
Michael Giles
Jeffrey Gillman
Harold Ginsberg
John Giosso
Tom Giuliano
Frank Glennon
David Grant
Stephen Greengard
Dan Greenleaf
Vincent Guilin
Felix Gulman
Stephen Guthrie
Neil Hale
Jesse Hargus
Scott Hendrickson
Bill Higgins
Albert Hilbert
Ted Hlavac
Alan Hubacker
Larry Hunnicutt
Don Hyde
Bruce Jewett
Bob Johnson
Robert Jones
Frank Jorgensen
Ron Kakiki
Keith Kamrath
Mike Kane
Bill Klaproth
Andrew Korniej
Ron Kos
Frank Kulesza
Dan Kyte
Steve Lavezzoli
Greg Lawrance
Bruce Lawrence
Sherman Lee
Virgil Lee
James Lesko
Michael Luque
Michael Lyman
Dan McDuff
Dave Manning
Toby Marton
Seth Meisler
Daniel Melia
Leo Menashe
Belden Menkust
Ed Meyers
Kenneth Mielen
Jim Miller
Ian Mishkin
Steven Moulds
William Mulder
Mark Ndjesandjo
Jeremiah O'Connor
Kieran O'Sullivan
Richard Pallowick
Fernando Parces-Enriquez
Alex Pattison
Stephen Pennington
Leo Pereira
Andre Persidsky
Mike Pesavento
Oliver Pollard
Brian Pori
Mark Purcell
Tom Purcell
Brian Rawlinson
Dennis Reichard
Tyler Ribera
Bill Roehl
Steven Rosen
Louis Schilling
Robert Schwei
Eric Schwier
Harold Scott
Lloyd Seevers
Bruce Sharlow
Jeffrey Sheeder
Thomas Sherwood
Philip Shulman
John Sinclair