the epic drama by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Set Designer(s)
Costume Designer(s)
Lighting Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)
Show Dates
Time and Place
Medieval Germany
The performance of October 31st is sponsored by Bank of California.
The performance of October 31st is designated in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wetzel's membership in the Triple Gold Circle.
The performance of November 3rd is designated in honor of the Triple Gold Circle membership of Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Johnson, Jr.
The performance of November 8th is sponsored by Meyer Sound Laboratories.
The performance of November 11th is sponsored by Vivande Ristorante.
The performance of November 16th is sponsored by Sun Microsystems.
New production
Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios
Costumes executed by San Francisco Opera Costume Shop
Traude Albert
Sarah Anderson
Pat Angell
Pat Beresford
Arlene Berner
Phyllis Blair
Rebecca Bryant
Mark Burstein
Tom Carlisle
Pat Carpenter
Madeline Chase
Annette Clark
Peter Clark
Margory Cohen
Huguette Combs
Nikolaje De Vrsac
Pam DeWeerd
Shawn Dubin
Darcy Fink
Serenity Forchion
Mary Freeman
Gwendolyn Nassera Gardner
Sonia Giovanni
Karen Goodwyn
Regan Gradet
Ursula Grunfeld
Amalia Del Socorro Guerrero
Maria Guerrero
Mary Hanni
Naomi Hartley-Dawson
Frank Jorgensen
Lisa Klein
Diane C. Knoll
Joan Kwansa
Wayne McCord
Jean Clark Marks
Robert Morgan-Wilde
Will Murray
Beverly Mutnick
Christine Okan
Annette R. Peretti
Paul Ricks
Denise Scaglione
Ludmila Shashurin
Linda Jean Slocum
Elsie Smith
Don Stoddard
Michael Strickland
Thane Thomas
Kimberly Thompson
Mimi Timberlake
Too Too Tomato
Kelly Toomey
Linda Ann Unemori
Ceci Valente
Lord Veerman
Rick Weil
Susan Weiss
Merry West
Liebe Wetzel
Mary Whitney
Phyllis Williams
Sharyl Wong