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Don Carlos

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Based On

the dramatic poem by Friedrich von Schiller

San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Set Designer(s)
Costume Designer(s)
Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Chorus Director
Chorus Preparation
Musical Preparation
Assistant to John Cox
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)


Don Carlos
Elisabeth of Valois
Comte de Lerme
Rodrigue, Marquis de Posa
Princesse Eboli
Philippe II
Royal Herald
Celestial Voice
Grand Inquisitor
Comtesse d'Aremberg

Show Dates


Archival broadcast, October 17, 1987 -- locally on KKHI; also on KQED and WFMT Chicago.

Time and Place

1559-1568; France and Spain


Act I (France)) -- The forest of Fontainebleau
Act II (Spain) -- (The monastery of San Yuste) -- Scene 1 --The chapel of Charles V
Scene 2 -- The monastery grounds
Act III (Valladolid) -- Scene 1 -- The Queen's garden
Scene 2 -- The Cathedral
Act IV (Madrid) -- Scene 1 -- The King's quarters
Scene 2 -- A prison
Act V -- The monastery of San Yuste



San Francisco Opera expresses its deep appreciation to Mr. & Mrs. Evert B. Person for his generous gift to underwrite this new production

Supertitles underwritten by a generous grant from Chevron U.S.A.


To access the full production program, click the PDF link above.

New Production

(Opening scene in the critical edition by Ursula Günther.)

Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios

Costumes executed by San Francisco Opera Costume Shop

Opening night flowers by Ah Sam, San Mateo, courtesy of the San Francisco Opera and the San Francisco Opera Guild

10/11/1987 delayed broadcast, locally on KKHI, also on KQED and WFMT. Intermission interviews:  #1 Musical highlights of Don Carlos: Sir John Pritchard (guest), #2 Discussion of the  character Don Carlos: Neil Shicoff, Peter Pierson, Dr. Peter Ostwald, Barry Hyams (guests). (A year later, Mr. McEwen selected a number of operas from various seasons for broadcasts, including Don Carlos.)

SUPERNUMERARIES (listed for the entire season)
Gertraud Albert
Hetty Alvarez
Susan Anderson
Pat Angell
Karen Bailey
Joyce Barnett
Dorothy Baune
Irene Bechtel
Janet Birnie
Phyllis Blair
Layeh Bock
Katherine Brazaitis
Lorna Bridges
Dorothy C. Brown
Barbara Bruser
Madeline Chase
Phoebe Ciaffi
Annette Clark
Huguette Combs
Renée DeJarnatt
Carol Dunlap
Carolyn Ekstedt
Linda L. Hargrove-Teets
Jennifer Hayasaka
Pamela E. Hughes
Joan Imbeau
Pierrette Jeanmonod
Esther Jennings
Mary Joyce
Candace Kahn
Valerie Klingenberg
Michelle Priest Kotschnig
Joan Kwansa
Hedy Anita Langford
Francesca Leo
Betty MacDonald
Sandra Marsh
Donna L. Martin
Patrizia R. Medicina
Edith Modie
Alta Moody
Liska Janelle Moody
Thelma Morris
Holly Morrison
Janet Morse
Gabrielle Motarjemi
Ellen Nelson
Claire Nice
Marta Osterloh
Dorothy Papo
Virginia M. Persson
Nancy Petrisko
Marianne Petroni
Miriam Preece
Camille Reich
Julia Reisz
Gwen Reynolds
Francesca Roveda
Louise Russo
Ellen Sanchez
Suzanne Scott
Burgess Shiu
Stella Tatro
Beverly Terry
Karen Topp
Marcia Tusting
Sally Warren
Elisabeth Waters
Carolyn Waugh
Susan Weiss
Susan Wendt-Bogear
Ann Williamson
Layrel Ann Winzler

Andrew Vincent Alder
Zoltan Andahazy
Gene Angell
Richard Ares
Sky Bamford
Victor Banis
Stephen Bartlett-Re
Mark Bathke
Franklin Bauer
Steve Bauman
Douglas Beardslee
Donald Bechtel
Vincent Brooks
Bruce Brown
William Burns
Richard Campbell
Tom Carlisle
Roy Castellini
Gene Cikota
Stewart Clark
Derek Claudius
David Clover
William Colligan
Rudy Cook
Burton Covel
Roger Davidson
Daniel DeJarnatt
Alan Dettmering
Dick Duker
David Duncan
Hilbert Duperroir
Kermit duVal
Bill Easley
Pedro Echeandia
David Elkind
Rick Emmons
Peter Felleman
Peter Fodor
Joel Fort
Ted Foster
Kurt Frank
Raymond C. Franke
Mickey Frettoloso
Phillip Gibson
Albert Goodwyn
Paul Grosvenor
Louis Handler
Kent Harvey
Joe Hay
Ron Hazen
Philippe Henry
