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Based On

the novella by Prosper Mérimée

San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Staged by
Julian Hope(12/4, 7, 10 , 13)
Set Designer(s)
Costume Designer(s)
Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Philip Highfill(10/10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30; 11/3)
Kathryn Cathcart(12/4, 7, 10 , 13)
Language Preparation
Patricia Kristof Moy(12/4, 7, 10 , 13)
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Vera Lúcia Calábria(12/4, 7, 10 , 13)
Assistant(s) to Mr. Ponnelle
Stage Manager(s)


Rebecca Cook(10/10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30; 11/3)
Leona Mitchell(12/4, 7, 10 , 13)
Don José
Franco Bonisolli(10/10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30; 11/3)
Plácido Domingo(12/4, 7, 10 , 13)
Teresa Berganza(10/10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30; 11/3)
Hanna Schwarz(12/4, 7, 10 , 13)
Le Dancaïre
Le Remendado
Lillas Pastia
Simon Estes(10/10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30; 11/3)
Lenus Carlson(12/4, 7, 10 , 13)
Manoel Felciano(10/10, 14, 18, 26; 11/3; 12/4, 7, 10 , 13)
Geoffrey Leland(10/22, 30)

Show Dates


10/31/1981 delayed broadcast KKHI and NPR. 

Time and Place

19th century; Seville, Spain


Act I -- A street in Seville
Act II -- Lillas Pastia's tavern
Act III -- In the mountains
Act IV -- Outside the arena



This new production of "Carmen" was made possible in part through the generosity of friends of Kurt Herbert Adler as a tribute to the unique contribution he has made to the San Francisco Opera


To access the full production program, click the PDF link above.

10/31/1981 delayed broadcast KKHI and NPR. Intermission interviews:  #1 Merola Program, Wesley Balk, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf and Kurt Herbert Adler;  #2 Singer's Development, Kurt Herbert Adler and Christopher Hunt (guests).

New production

Critical edition by Fritz Oeser

Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios

Principals' costumes executed by Boerye Edh of Royal Opera, Stockholm

Other costumes executed by San Francisco Opera Shop

San Francisco Boys Chorus
William Ballard, Director
Paul Bemesderfer
Brian Butler
Adam Colety
Jonathan Couchman
Brian Darby
James Datri
John Datri
Geoffrey Dunn
Patrick Egry
Michael Folk
Timothy Genis
George Graham
Kenyan Hopkins
Gary Jones
David Kersnar
Christopher Lev
Ian Luce
David Martin
Eric Marty
Peter McKean
Torin Newsome
Daniel Potasz
Aaron Shapiro
Carl Smith
William Weber

San Francisco Girls Chorus
Elizabeth Appling, Director
Elizabeth Ashton
Deidre Atkinson
Malieka Bundy
Anne Coriston
Teresa Davis
Sharon D'Cunha
Samantha Graff
Karla Haeberle
Martha Hicks
Julia Hunt
Ann Huppert
Anna Marie Jegers
Alissa Kingsbury
Rachel Lopez
Jennifer Marshall
Kristin McCarthy
Stefanie Naifeh
Amy Sharp

Joan Bacharach
Dorothy Baune
Barbara Clifford
Renée DeJarnatt
Diane Graham
Leisha Hartman
Mary Joyce
Leslie Landberg
Jan Moody
Holly Morrison
Barbara Norton
Marianne Petroni
Miriam Preece
Katherine Prongos
Nathalie Rubens
Louise Russo
Ellen Sanchez
Nikki Scofield
Sally Scott
Susie Scott
Stella Tatro
Claudia Waugh
Janet Weil
Susan Weiss

Andrew Alder
Sky Bamford
Steve Bauman
Mike Boehm
Allyn Butcher
Thomas Carlisle
Rudy Cook
Tom Curran
Chas Dargis
Hilbert Duperrior
Allan Ellis
Manoel Feliciano
Robert Flax
Mickey Frettoloso
Lyn Gardella
Dennis Goza
Louis Handler
Colin Harvey
Joe Hay
Philippe Henry
Michelangelo Hernandez
Gary Hill
Mark Huelsmann
Richard Hughes
Donald Jack
Stephen Jacobs
John Janonis
Dean Jones
Julius Karoblis
Ted Langlais
Geoffrey Leland
Gregory Marks
Berri McBride
Larry Millner
Gary Morgret
Paul Newman
Mark Nichol
Tim Perez
Raul Piccardo
Michael Pitkin
Jason Porter
Joel Posner
Gerald Ragan
Paul Ricks
Robert Schmidt
John Schultz
Ronald Sickman
Rick Skarolid
Ken Speirs
Nathaniel Stookey
Barry Tucker
Robert Turner
Joe Willis
Arthur Zigas