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Boris Godunov

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Based On

the historical tragedy by Alexander Pushkin and "History of the Russian State" by Nikolai Karamzin

San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Stage Director(s)
Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Chorus Director
Assistant to Maestro Runnicles
Musical Preparation
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)


Nikitich, a police officer
Mityukha, a peasant
Shchelkalov, Secretary of the Duma
Prince Shuisky
Boris Godunov
Pimen, a monk and chronicler
Grigory (the Pretender Dimitry)
Missail, a vagabond monk
Varlaam, a vagabond monk
Frontier Guard
Xenia, daughter of Boris
Fyodor, son of Boris
Marina Mnishek
Rangoni, a Jesuit priest
Alan Held(09/27, 09/29, 10/03)
Boyar Khrushchev
Chernikovsky, a Jesuit
Lavitsky, a Jesuit

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

1598-1605; Russia and Poland


Act I, Scene 1 -- Outside the Novodyevichy Monastery, near Moscow
Act I, Scene 2 -- A square in the Kremlin, Moscow
Act I, Scene 3 -- A cell in the Chudov Monastery
Act I, Scene 4 -- An inn near the Lithuanian border
Act I, Scene 5 -- The Tsar's apartments in the Imperial Palace, Moscow
Act II, Scene 1 -- Marina's apartment in Sandomir Castle, Poland
Act II, Scene 2 -- Gardens of the Mnishek Castle
Act III, Scene 1 -- Outside the Cathedral of St. Basil, Moscow
Act III, Scene 2 -- The Granovitaya Hall in the Kremlin
Act III, Scene 3 -- A clearing in the forest near Kromy



The performance of September 27 is sponsored by Ernst & Young.

The performance of September 29 is sponsored by Renaissance Vineyard and Winery.

The performance of October 3 is sponsored by Meyer Sound Laboratories.


This production was underwritten, in part, by a generous gift from the L.J. and Mary C. Skaggs Foundation.

Supertitles underwritten by a generous grant from Pacific Gas and Electric Company.


Based on the historical tragedy by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin and the "History of the Russian State" by Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

Original version edited by Pavel Lamm

Orchestration by Dmitri Shostakovich

Sets and costumes from the Kirov Opera after the original Tarkovsky production for the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.


San Francisco Girls Chorus
Sharon Paul, Interim Artistic Director
Sabrina Adler
Carrie Burr
Rachel Herbert
Chesi Ho
Asha Jameson
Caitlin McClune
Emily Ryan
Dana Shaps
Teresa Walsh
Amy White

San Francisco Boys Chorus
Eugene Pierce, Director
Elliot Baer
Niels Bradshaw
Jordan Davis
John McMunn
Brandon Sherman
Eric Sparks
Cole Thomason-Redus

Ragazzi, the Peninsula Boys Chorus
Joyce Keil, Director
Conrad Frank

Additional Boy Choristers
James Locke
Darryl Temple

Supernumeraries were listed for the entire season; no separate opera-by-opera breakdown was published.
Here is the list:

Traude Albert
Susan Alden
Susan Anderson
Pat Angell
Elayne Ashman
Phyllis Blair
Katherine Brazaitis
Dorothy Brown
Regina Bustillos
Madeline Chase
Annette Clark
Joyce M. Clark
Brenda Czernysz
Jamie Daniels
Renée DeJarnatt
Darcy Fink
Mary Freeman
Karen Goodwyn
Mary Hanni
Joan Imbeau
Esther Jennings
Catherine Joseph
Kathleen Joyce
Andrea Kohlruss
Susan Mead
Ann Paras
Cassandra Plott
Karen Burtness Prak
Marian Reyes
Stephanie Salter
Christine Seigel
Mary Simon
Paula Sinclair
Stella Tatro
Beverly Terry
Kimberly Thompson
Mimi Timberlake
Linda Ann Unemori
Ceci Valente
Carolyn Waugh
Susan Weiss
Susan Wendt-Bogear
Caper Whitfield
Laurel Winzler
Susi Zador

Thomas Abels
Brett Allen
Ted Alves
Gene Angell
Edward E. Ash
John Atkinson
Franklin Bauer
Steve Bauman
Don Bechtel
Austin Bergin
Michael Berkowitz
Al Bernstein
David Black
Walter Blumst
Thomas Burroughs
Mark Burstein
Peter Cannon
Tom Carlisle
Rey Carolino
Joe Castrovinci
David J. Clark
David Clover
Joe Cohen
Scott Colby
Rudy Cook
Copley Crosby
Thomas E. Curran
David Dahlstrand
Peter de Petra
Brian Devine
John Dobson
Robert Dunn
Jim Dyvad
Pedro Echeandia
David Elkind
Milko N. Encinas
Timothy J. Farrelly
Peter Felleman
Angelo Festa
Tom Giuliano
Eddy J. Gordillo
Terry Gordon
Sean Greene
Stephen Greengard
Bill Higgins
Ted Hlavac
Willard Holden
Mark Huelsmann
Larry Hunnicutt
Rolf Hunt
Don Hyde
John R. Janonis
Clint J