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Boris Godunov

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Based On

the historical tragedy by Alexander Pushkin and "History of the Russian State" by Nikolai Karamzin

San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Stage Director(s)
Set Designer(s)
Costume Designer(s)
Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)


Nikitich, a police officer
Mityukha, a peasant
Shchelkalov, Secretary of the Duma
Prince Shuisky
Boris Godunov
Pimen, a monk and chronicler
Grigory (the Pretender Dimitri)
Missail, a vagabond monk
Varlaam, a vagabond monk
Border guard
Xenia, daughter of Boris
Feodor, son of Boris
Their nurse
Boyar in Attendance
Marina Mnishek, a Polish princess
Rangoni, a Jesuit priest
Boyar Khrushchev
Chernikovsky, a Jesuit
Lavitsky, a Jesuit

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

1598-1605; Russia and Poland


Act I, Scene 1 -- Courtyard of the Novodievichy Monastery, near Moscow
Scene 2 -- A square in the Kremlin, Moscow
Scene 3 -- A cell in the Chudov monastery
Scene 4 -- An inn near the Lithuanian border
Scene 5 -- The Tsar's apartments in the Imperial Palace, Moscow
Act II, Scene 1 -- Marina's apartment in Sandomir Castle, Poland
Scene 2 -- Garden of the Mnishek Castle
Act III, Scene 1 -- Outside the Cathedral of St. Basil, Moscow
Scene 2 -- The reception hall of the Kremlin
Scene 3 -- A clearing in a forest near Kromy



A generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Jordan had helped to make the presentation of this production possible

Legacy Commission

Original version edited by DAVID LLOYD-JONES


To access the full production program, click the PDF link above.

Based on the historical tragedy by ALEXANDER SERGEYEVICH PUSHKIN
and the "History of the Russian State" by NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH KARAMZIN

Production owned by Metropolitan Opera Association, Inc.

This production made possible by a generous and deeply appreciated gift from Mrs. DeWitt Wallace

Scenery, properties and electrical props constructed and painted in Metropolitan Opera shops

Costumes executed by Metropolitan Opera Costume Department

San Francisco Boys Chorus
William Ballard, Director
Holger Besch
Duncan Campbell
Devan Cross
Michael Curphey
Jacob Donham
Francis Freenor
Daniel Handler
Federico Hewson
Daniel Jackowitz
John David Lanigan
John Lucero
Nathaniel Lunt
Andrew Mak
Eric Marty
Mark McDonald
Michael Molina
David Parvin
John Pennebaker
Hiram Piskitel
Jeffrey Pulley
Daniel Saffer
Geary Sellers
Thomas Shephard
Kelsey Siegel
George Somers
John Taber
Ying-Huang Thai Low
Owen Thomas
Lyndon Ubana
Robert West
Stanford White
Jeffery Williams
Samuel Yen

San Francisco Girls Chorus
Elizabeth Appling, Director
Deirdre Atkinson
Rebecca Fink
Samantha Graff
Karla Haeberle
Martha Hicks
Alissa Kingsbury
Radha Kramer
Phoenix Reed
Cynthia Shank
Tanna Thompson

Johanna Baer
Lisa Brodsky
Peggy David
Liz Douglass
Anne Elizabeth Egan
Devra Gregory
Carolyn Houser
Amy Laszlo
Loren Marcinkowski
Sarah Gale Oppenheimer
Page Perry
Kathryn Roszak
Susan Stewart
Elaine Wadsworth
Katherine Warner

Peter Childers
Edward Dubell
William Dunn
Gregory Gonzales
Tom Hillyard
Gregory Lara
Karstyn McCoy
Dennis McDonald
John Norris
John Schoenberger
Edward Staver
John Sullivan

Hester Alvarez
Patricia Angell
Karen Bailey
Joyce Barnett
Katherine Brazaitis
Lorna Bridges
Dottie Brown
Renée DeJarnatt
Carol Dunlap
Carolyn Ekstedt
Esther Erford
Jane M. Gitschier
Roberta Heath
Jennifer Heglar
Mary Kay Henderson
Susan Holzkamp
Joan Imbeau
Nina Izotoff
Loisann Jakovitz
Christie Kohler
Barbara Konkle
Joan Kwansa
Francesca Leo
Holly Morrison
Marta Ann Osterloh
Dorothy Papo
Miriam Preece
Julia Reisz
Gwen Reynolds
Louise Russo
Ellen Sanchez
Dorothy Schimke
Sally Scott
Susan Scott
Donna Shanklin
Valentina Simi
Robin Stewart
Stella Tatro
Beverly Terry
Karen Topp
Lisa Waters
Carolyn Waugh
Gretchen Weber
Jain Weidner
Susan Weiss
Lillian Williams

Andrew Alder
Gene Angell
Richard Ares
Sky Bamford
Stephen Bartlett-Re