Composer Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky Librettist Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky Based On the historical tragedy by Alexander Pushkin and "History of the Russian State" by Nikolai Karamzin Company San Francisco Opera Association Touring Location Los Angeles, CA Venue Shrine Auditorium Season 1961 Language English Creative/Crew Conductor Leopold Ludwig Stage Director(s) Dino Yannopoulos Chorus Director Vincenzo Giannini Choreographer Lew Christensen Costumers Goldstein & Co. Cast Police Officer Gino Leonetti Andrei Shchelkalov, Secretary of the Duma Claude Heater Prince Shuisky, court adviser to Boris Herbert Handt Boris Godunov, Regent of Russia Giorgio Tozzi Pimen, a monk and historian Joshua Hecht Grigori, a novice (later Dimitri, the pretender) Albert Lance Innkeeper Katherine Hilgenberg Varlaam Kieth Engen Missail Howard Fried Frontier Guard Andrew Foldi Xenia, daughter of Boris Gwen Curatilo Xenia's nurse Janis Martin Fyodor, son of Boris Margot Blum Boyar Khrushchev Raymond Nilsson Marina Mnishek, daughter of a Polish landowner Irene Dalis Rangoni, a Jesuit priest Plinio Clabassi Fool Raymond Manton Lavitsky Donald Drain Chernikovsky Gino Leonetti Peasant Karl Woellhaf Athena Knyiados Eloise Farrell Winther Andersen Show Dates Wed, Nov 1 1961, 8pm Time and Place About 1600; Russia and Poland Scenes PROLOGUE, Scene 1 -- Outside a monastery near Moscow Scene 2 -- Cathedral square in Moscow Act I, Scene 1 -- A cell in the monastery of the Miracle at Night, six years later Scene 2 -- Inn on the Lithuanian frontier INTERMISSION Act II, Scene 1 -- In the Kremlin Scene 2 -- Marina's palace in Poland Scene 3 -- Near Marina's palace INTERMISSION Act III, Scene 1 -- Forest of Kromy near Moscow Scene 2 -- Duma in the Kremlin Legacy Commission Text translated by John Gutman Notes Rimsky-Korsakov version San Francisco Opera Boys Chorus Madi Bacon, Director Corps de Ballet Kieth Engen's first name IS correctly spelled. He changed the spelling during his career in German opera houses.