Andrea Chenier Composer Umberto Giordano Librettist Luigi Illica Based On loosely, the life of the French poet André Chénier, executed during the French Revolution Company San Francisco Opera Association Touring Location Los Angeles, CA Venue Shrine Auditorium Season 1938 Language Italian Creative/Crew Conductor Gaetano Merola Stage Director(s) Armando Agnini Chorus Master William Tyroler Cast Andrea Chénier, a poet of the French Revolution Beniamino Gigli Madeleine, daughter of the Countess de Coigny Elisabeth Rethberg Countess de Coigny Doris Doe Bersi, Madeleine's maid Lina Kroph Gérard, Footman at the Chateau Coigny, later a Revolutionist Richard Bonelli Majordomo of the Château Coigny Max Lorenzini Fleville, a novelist, pensioner of the King John Howell Abbe Ludovico Oliviero Spy for the Revolutionists Ludovico Oliviero Roucher, Chénier's friend George Cehanovsky Madelon, a blind woman Doris Doe Mathieu, a Revolutionist Louis D'Angelo Fouquier-Tinville, Public Prosecutor Arnold Gabor Dumas, President of the Revolutionary Tribunal Norman Cordon Schmidt, Jailer at St. Lazare Arnold Gabor Roger Albert, a boy Zelda Nerina Show Dates Sat, Nov 5 1938, 8pm Streaming Information Time and Place The French Revolution; Paris Scenes Act I -- Ballroom of Château de Coigny Act II -- Café Hottot in Paris Act III -- Revolutionary Tribunal and Prison of St. Lazare Act IV -- Same as Act III -- At Dawn Notes Labeled "Popular Performance"