Composer Gaetano Donizetti Librettist Salvadore Cammarano Based On the novel "The Bride of Lammermoor" by Sir Walter Scott Company San Francisco Opera Association Location San Francisco, CA Venue Civic Auditorium Season 1926 Language Italian Creative/Crew Conductor Pietro Cimini Stage Director(s) Armando Agnini Cast Lucia Luella Melius Edgardo Tito Schipa Lord Henry Richard Bonelli Lord Arthur Nazareth Regoli Raymond Antonio Nicolich Alice Flossita Badger Norman Giuseppe Carcione Show Dates Tue, Oct 5 1926, 8pm Streaming Information Time and Place Lammermoor Scenes Act I, Scene 1 -- A wood near Lammermoor Scene 2 -- A Park of the Castle of Lammermoor Act II, Scene 1 -- An anteroom in the Castle Scene 2 -- The Great Hall of the Castle Act III, Scene 1 -- Same as last scene Scene 2 -- Outside of the Castle of Wolfcrag, Tombs of the Ravenwoods Notes The 8 p.m. curtain time is a guess; the bound program volumes didn't include this particular opera.