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Don Pasquale

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San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Stage Director(s)
Set and costume designer
Lighting Designer
Chorus Director
Musical Preparation
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Stage Manager(s)
Jerry Sherk(5/25; 6/7, 11)
Francesca Zambello(5/25; 6/7, 11)


Don Pasquale, an old bachelor
Dr. Malatesta, his friend
Ernesto, nephew of Don Pasquale
Norina, a young widow

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

1830, Rome


Act I, Scene 1 -- The study in Don Pasquale's house
Scene 2 -- Norina's bedroom
Act II -- Pasquale's study
Act III, Scene 1 -- Pasquale's redecorated house
Scene 2 -- Pasquale's garden



This production of "Don Pasquale" was made possible, in part, by a generous 1980 grant by the San Francisco Foundation The revival of this production was made possible by a much appreciated grant from the Koret Foundation


To access the full production program, click the PDF link above.

1984 Summer Season

Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios

Costumes executed by San Francisco Opera Costume Shop

Supertitles are provided through the generous support of the San Francisco Opera Guild

Traudi Albert
Joyce Barnett
Katherine Brazaitis
Dorothy Brown
Madeline Chase
Huguette Combs
Renée DeJarnatt
Carol Dunlap
Pat DuVal
Esther Erford
Jennifer Heglar
-Nina Izotoff
Janet Morse
Holly Morrison
Marta Ann Osterloh
Miriam Preece
Marcia Tusting
Carolyn Waugh

Arthur Allison
John Almond
Zoltan Andahazy
Richard Ares
Sky Bamford
Stephen Bartlett-Re
Franklin Bauer
Steve Bauman
Robert Belt
Ben Bolt
Mark Bowers
Rick Brandon
Bruce Brown
Tony Bua
Don Burks
Richard Campbell
Roy Clark
Stewart Clark
David Clover
Wayne Coleman
Rudy Cook
Kermit DuVal
William Easley
Michael Fallon
Peter Felleman
Tom Ford
Joel Fort
Kurt Frank
Keith Franke
Mickey Frettoloso
John Gallup
Eugenio Gamez
Michael German
Rex Golightly
Albert Goodwyn
Robert Grinslade
Buzz Handley
Devoy Harris
Paul Hayes
Rodger Heglar
Mark Huelsmann
John Janonis
Paul Johanson
Dean Johnson
Richard Jones
Chris Jovino
Chris Judge
Julius Karoblis
Joe Kelley
David Lajala
Jay Lanahan
Darrell Lauer
Ronaldo Lecayo
Ramon Martinez
Darrell Marick
Roger Marquardt
Eugene Masciarelli
Jerry Masteller
Berri McBride
Lindsay McCall
Robert McGeary
Michael McIntosh
Tom McMahon
Stephen Mette
Larry Millner
Michael Milozzo
David Milozzo
Bob Mitchell
Chris Montana
Roberto Moreiras
Allen Miller
Ray Morgan
Edwin Morse
Malcolm Mosher
George Nelson
Paul Newman
Chris Noll
Jeff Nuno
Kevon Oxley
Richard Pallowick
Robert Passig
Tom Purcell
Paul Ricks
Antonio Rivera
John Robinson
David Rooney
Steven Rosen
Will Rutland
Jordan Sachs
Karl Schulze
Andrew Scurr
Chris Sheffield
Noel Skidmore
Jeff Skidmore
John Smalls
Robert Smith
Greg Smith
Ray Souza
Jonathan Spieler
Robert Squeri
Jeff Statnick
Don Studebaker
Tom Taffel
Alvin Taylor
Howard Toohey
Arlen Towers
Allen Tusting
John Varvarousis
Gary Wendt-Bogear
Patrick Weyers
Rod Williams
Bruce Woodward
Peter Young
Arthur Zigas