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Das Rheingold

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Ring; Rhine Gold
San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Original production by
Stage Director(s)
Original production designed by
Revised by
Revised costume designs by
Lighting Designer and Special Effects
Sound Designer
Musical Preparation
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Ballet Master
Stage Manager(s)

Show Dates

Streaming Information

Time and Place

(not specified)


Scene I -- The river Rhine
Scene 2 -- Terrace of the gods
Scene 3 -- Nibelheim
Scene 4 -- Terrace of the gods



(see additional sponsor information in Notes)


San Francisco Opera's 1999 Ring Festival is made possible, in part, by the support of the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation, and Mr. & Mrs. Franklin P. Johnson, Jr. Additional major support is provided by the Chevron Corporation, Mr. & Mrs. Reid W. Dennis, Mr. & Mrs. Charlton H. Buckley, Mr. & Mrs. Reuben W. Hills III, Mrs. Paul L. Wattis, and two anonymous friends of San Francisco Opera.

San Francisco Opera's 1999 Ring Festival is dedicated to the memory of the late Terence A. McEwen, Company general director from 1982 to 1988.


1999 Ring Festival

Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios
Costumes executed by San Francisco Opera Costume Shop

(in addition to those listed on the cast page)

The original 1985 Ring production was made possible by the
BankAmerica Foundation, the Carol Franc Buck Foundation,
the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation,
and the L.J. and Mary C. Skaggs Foundation.

Premier Ring Sponsors
San Francisco Opera extends its thanks and appreciation to the followingindividuals whose
generosity helped underwrite the 1999 Ring Festival:

G.H.C. Meyer Family Foundation, and Mr. & Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bryan, Edgar Foster Daniels Foundation,
Mr. & Mrs. David Traitel, and Thomas & Barbara Wolfe

Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Barger, Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Bastoni, Fritzi & Ernest A. Benesch,
Mrs. John Pershing Boswell, Alan W. Buch, Ted Buttner, Mr. & Mrs. David M. Chamberlain,
Carl T. Childs, Jayne & Peter Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Dorfman, Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Fenwick,
Mr. & Mrs. Carlo S. Fowler, William W. Godward, Larry & Donna Gorrell, Robert Gumerlock,
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Heller, John & Sara Hendrickson, Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Johnson, Hedi & Hal Kaufman,
Lawrence A. Kern, Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Landau, Cathy MacNaughton, Edmund R. Manwell,
Nicola Mary Miner & Robert Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Morey, Nancy S. Mueller,
Dr. Walter A. Nelson-Rees & Mr. James L. Coran, Mr. & Mrs. Eric Peniston, Louise & Claude Rosenberg,
Erik Schwartz, Dr. A. Jess Shenson in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Reid W. Dennis, Cynthia Tamer,
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wetzel, Glenn Williams & Clare von Frasunkiewicz, Bruce & Linda Wolfe,
Dr. & Mrs. John Zderic, Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Zuber, and an anonymous Friend of the Company.

Additional Ring Support:

Honoring Donald Runnicles -- Mrs. Paul L. Wattis
Honoring Deborah Voigt -- Mr. & Mrs. Reid W. Dennis

Supertitles provided by a generous grant from
The Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation in memory of Paul J. Mundie.

Susan Alden
Dorothy Brown
Deanna Carter
Laura Chin
Pam DeWeerd
Carol Douglass
Rose Ericson
April Funcke
Gisèle Giorgi
Regan Grader
Priscilla Lore
Karol Luque
Jennifer A. Minore
Stephanie Salter
Anna Stulz
Kimberly Thompson
Mimi Timberlake
Sally Warren
Ann Williamson
Anna Wilson
Jaye Winkler

Jésus Acosta-Hughes
Trey Alonso
Keith Bartel
Nick Cianci
Robert E. Ericson
Curtis Gong-Guy
McKenzie Huneke
Sherman Le