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Das Rheingold

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Rhine Gold
San Francisco Opera Association
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera House


Set and costume designer
Lighting and Projection Designer; special effects
Projection Design and Photography
Sound Designer
Musical Preparation
Assistant to Maestro Edo De Waart
Assistant Stage Director(s)
Choreographic Assistance, Rhine Scene
Stage Manager(s)

Show Dates

Time and Place



Scene 1 -- The river Rhine
Scene 2 -- Terrace of the gods
Scene 3 -- Nibelheim
Scene 4 -- Terrace of the gods



This new production of "Das Rheingold" was made possible in part through the generosity of the L.J. Skaggs and Mary C. Skaggs Foundation. The production of San Francisco Opera's new "Ring" has been partially underwritten by generous three-year grants from the Sells Foundation and BankAmerica Foundation.


To access the full production program, click the PDF link above.

1983 Summer Season

New production

Scenery constructed in San Francisco Opera Scenic Studios

Costumes executed by San Francisco Opera Costume Shop

Peggy Davis
Marti Kennedy
Page Perry
Dana Sapiro
Susan Stewart
Elaine Wadsworth

Gertraud Albert
Pat Angell
Karen L. Bailey
Joyce Barnett
Dorothy Baune
Janet E. Birnie
Nora Brandstadter
Katherine Brazaitis
Lorna Bridges
Dorothy Brown
Carol Burton
Mary Chimienti
Huguette Combs
Janet Dahlsten
Renée DeJarnatt
Carol Dunlap
Jane Gitschier
Roberta Heath
Jennifer Heglar
Kathleen Hobbs
Susan Anderson Holzkamp
Rebecca Hufford
Joan Imbeau
Nina Izotoff
Loisann Jacovitz
Esther Jennings
Candace Kahn
Donna Martin
Jan Moody
Holly Morrison
Barbara Norton
Mary Ann Osterloh
Dorothy Papo
Marianne Petroni
Miriam Preece
Julia Reisz
Louise Russo
Ellen Sanchez
Donna Shanklin
Diane Skroki
Robin Stewart
Stella Tatro
Karen Topp
Marcia Tusting
Carolyn Waugh
Gretchen Weber
Janet Weil
Susan Weiss
Ann Williamson

Lex Amores
Gene Angell
Richard Ares
Mark Backer
Sky Bamford
Mark Bathke
Steve Bauman
Fred Beeson
Rick Brandon
Joseph Brazaitis
Bill Burns
Newton Butler
David Clover
Rudy Cook
Tom Curran
Chas Dargis
Ted Dawson
Daniel DeJarnatt
Julio Dorijoni
Hilbert Duperroir
Kermit Duval
Christopher Essley
Robert Falterman
Larry Feitz
Peter Felleman
Mickey Frettoloso
Matt Garadis
Phillip Gibson
Cliff Gold
Rex Golightly
Albert Goodwyn
Russell Granet
Paul Grosvenor
Lou Handler
Joseph Hay
Philippe Henry
Gary Hill
Willard Holden
Mark Huelsmann
Richard Hughes
Don Jack
Steve Jacobs
John R. Janonis
Julius Karoblis
Joe Kelley
John Kovacs
Bob Leonard
Ralph Ludascher
Wendell Manula
Greg Marks
Roger Marquardt
Gérard Marquis
Berri McBride
Tompers McMahon
Joseph Menzel
Roderick Murray
Paul Ricks
Christopher Riley
James Robinson
Kevin Scarlata
Robert Schmidt
Rick Skarolid
Ray Souza
Jonathan Spieler
Robert J. Stock
Donald C. Studebaker
Robert Tilton
Allen Tusting
Rick Weil
Rod Williams
Joseph Willis
Timothy C. Yang
Daniel Zielinski